Conference "Architecture of University Education" – in Presedential Library

25 April 2024

Today, on April 25, 2024 the Presidential Library (Senate Square, 3) held the VII National Scientific and Methodological Conference with international participation “Architecture of University Education” and the plenary discussion "Strategic initiatives and effective solutions".

The conference takes place in St. Petersburg on 25-26 April and is organized by the St. Petersburg State University of Economics, together with the Presidential Library.

The conference is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, and the Federal State Budgetary Institution “National Accreditation Agency in Education”.

At the opening ceremony of the conference, in a welcoming speech to the participants of the event, the Director General of the Presidential Library, Yuri Nosov, said: "The Library pays great attention to the history of the national economy. An electronic collection of documents and materials "The Russian State and the Economy" has been created and is being updated. It can be  found on the institution's portal. These resources can be used in the development of new educational projects and programs."

The conference includes such experts as Rector of St. Petersburg State Economic University Igor Maksimtsev, Advisor to the Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science Natalya Altynikova, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Member of the State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education Olga Pilipenko, Minister of Education of Penza Region Alexey Komarov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kirov Plant Georgy Semenenko.

Key topics for this year:

  • Science in the interests of technological development and the transformation of the academic community in the era of neural networks
  • Strategic changes in the higher education system: state accreditation, a new model, initiatives in interuniversity cooperation, international strategic partnership with Southeast Asia
  • Strategic tools in the implementation of Russian educational policy in interdepartmental interaction and the development of the national qualifications system
  • Development of human capital through an ecosystem approach and new tools for civic-patriotic education, self-determination and career guidance

On the 25th of April 11 thematic open discussions were held: “New models of education in the context of the needs of the labor market”, “Formation of university research policy in the interests of technological development”, “Ecosystem approach to human capital management”, “Strategic partnership with Southeast Asia: institutions, tools, initiatives”, “National system of qualifications in the training of professional personnel”, “Academic community in the era of neural networks: value, honesty, trust”, “Interuniversity cooperation in the energy sector: strategic initiatives and development prospects”, “Strategic tools in the implementation of educational policy in Russia in interdepartmental interaction” and others.

The discussion experts traditionally are the representatives of the sphere of education, business and government from the regions of Russia and abroad: Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science Svetlana Kochetova, Director General of Gazpromneft - Industrial Innovations Mikhail Nikulin, Director General of the Chinese Cultural Center Peng Yin Lai, Rector of the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) Viktor Martynov, President of the Subsoil of Africa Consortium Paul Omoj Omaji, Director General of the Association “University Consortium of Big Data Researchers” Vyacheslav Goiko.

The recording of events is available on the institution's Rutube channel.

The second day of the conference, April 26, will be held at the St. Petersburg State University of Economics (30/32 Griboyedov Kanal Embankment). The program includes a round table and a series of master classes on the topics: “Non-monetary system of incentives for personnel in the education sector”, “Electronic educational resources: practice of creation and application”, “Models for the implementation of secondary vocational education: challenges, problems, development” and "Techniques for effective teaching". 

Conference participants will enjoy a busy two-day business program, an educational marathon, a Project Factory youth block, an extensive cultural program and unique exhibition projects “In the footsteps of great travelers. Letters from childhood" and "History of domestic insurance. Saint Petersburg. Chapter 1".

The program:

Conference website:

Title partner: Association of Alumni of St. Petersburg State University of Economics.

Official partners: Council for Professional Qualifications of the Financial Market, Russian Professorial Assembly, RBC St. Petersburg.