The Russian House in Damascus continues series of traveling exhibitions about the Russian cultural heritage

4 June 2024

The exhibition "Faces of the Russian Icon: Copies of Masterpieces from the Andrei Rublev Museum Collection" and the exhibition "Islam in Russia," featuring the works of photographer Ildar Yambikov, were held in Damascus.

Ali Al-Ahmad, an adviser to the Russian House in Damascus and the head of the Syrian Association of Graduates from Russian Universities, noted that the combination of Christian and Islamic art at the exhibition demonstrates the cultural diversity of Russia and its connection with Syria, where Christian and Islamic heritage also exist in harmony.

Ekaterina Braginskaya, an employee of the Russian House, guided visitors through the collection of icon copies. Ali Al-Ahmad showed the guests Islamic monuments from Russia.

The Center for Remote Access to Information Resources of the Presidential Library, which was opened in 2022 at the Russian House in Damascus, allows its visitors to explore the entire range of collections in its electronic library.

Those visiting the Russian Center for Science and Culture may be interested in the Russian Language collection from the electronic resources of the institution, which includes more than 1,100 rare depository items, including manuscripts, works of Russian literature, archives, scientific papers, dictionaries, textbooks, and more.

The electronic collection Russia-Syria: the History of Relations contains a significant number of materials on the history of Russian-Syrian relations. It includes research papers, references, archival materials, and other documents that reflect the history of bilateral relations between Russia and Syria since the 19th century until the present day.

Based on the materials of the portal