The Presidential Library of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation and Rospotrebnadzor: a new stage of interaction

6 June 2024

On June 6, 2024, within the framework of the XXVII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Presidential Library of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation and the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor).

The document was signed by Yuri Nosov, Director General of the Presidential Library, and Anna Popova, head of Rospotrebnadzor. The event was attended by Sergey Grinevich, Head of the Information and Communication Technologies Department of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation.

The signing of the agreement will be a new stage of cooperation in the implementation of joint projects. Since 2020, the Presidential Library has traditionally hosted an International scientific and practical conference on countering the new coronavirus infection and other infectious diseases, which brings together specialists from many countries of the world.

The agreement will help to meet the information needs of citizens by providing them with access to the digital content of the Presidential Library, which contains information on the history of the Russian state.

Under the terms of the document, cooperation will be established to organize and conduct joint scientific and educational events, implement socially significant projects, and form a library collection.

During these events, it is planned that the parties will be able to utilize documents and materials from the library's electronic collection, which includes more than one million items, including books, periodicals, scientific films, abstracts of dissertations, and archival materials on Russian history.

The electronic collection Prevention and Control of Epidemics in Russia is being constantly updated on the Presidential Library portal. It includes archival materials, essays, and modern research that describes the history of epidemics of various diseases and measures taken to combat them. The collection also traces the development of a system for preventing infectious diseases in Russia.

One of the sections of the collection contains official documents on epidemic prevention, as well as current sanitary and epidemiological standards and regulations in force in the Russian Federation.