The Presidential Library of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation and Rosstandart are developing partnerships
On June 6, 2024, during the XXVII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the Presidential Library of the Administrative Directorateof the President of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandard) signed a cooperation agreement.
The agreement was signed by Yuri Nosov, General Director of the Presidential Library, and Anton Shalaev, Head of Rosstandart.
The partnership between the organizations will focus on the mutual use of resources related to the history, theory, and practice of Russian statehood and the Russian language. Collaboration will also take place on implementing national, interstate, and international standards for digital services provided by libraries and preserving digital cultural heritage, according to Sergey Grinevich, head of the Information and Communication Technologies Department of the Administrative Directorate of the Russian Federation.
"Rosstandart and the Presidential Library enjoy a long and successful partnership. I am confident that the recently signed agreement will open new opportunities for our collaboration. On the one hand, the principles outlined in the agreement will facilitate the efficient exchange of information that is of mutual interest. Additionally, standardization plays a crucial role in the library field, serving as the foundation for establishing clear and universally accepted guidelines for library operations. Moreover, standards are essential in accelerating the digital transformation of this sector, which is undoubtedly an important development."
According to Yuri Nosov, Director General of the Presidential Library, joint events and socially significant projects are planned to be organized within the framework of the agreement. A significant area of cooperation will involve the replenishment of the library's collection with documents from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.
In addition, a center for remote access to resources of the Presidential Library is planned to be opened at the Rosstandart site. Visitors will be able to explore the entire range of collections in the library's digital library, which contains over a million digitized documents and materials about Russian history.
Yuri Nosov also mentioned that representatives from regional libraries and the Presidential Library have initiated the preparation of a draft program for national standardization in librarianship until 2030, as well as a list of standards that require revision. This decision was made by the Russian Library Association in May of this year, and it was announced by Yuri Nosov.
It should be noted that the Presidential Library and the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology have already had successful experience in cooperation on joint projects. The library regularly hosts the International Technological Forum "Russian Standardization Week", where the main trends in industry development are discussed.
The Presidential Library is a large multifunctional information, scientific, educational and cultural center. Its electronic library collection includes books, periodicals, films, scientific and educational materials, dissertations, archival documents, and materials on Russian state history, law, and Russian as the official language of the Russian Federation. Over 1,700 remote access centers of the Presidential Library's resources have been established in Russia and abroad.