The Presidential Library of the Administrtaive Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation and the Russian Society "Znanie" signed a cooperation agreement

8 June 2024

On June 8, 2024, the Presidential Library of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation and the Russian public and state educational organization Russian Society Znanie signed a cooperation agreement as part of the XXVII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. The document was signed by Yuri Nosov, General Director of the Presidential Library, and Maxim Dreval, General Director of Russian Society Znanie.

The organizations' joint educational efforts will contribute to promoting knowledge in the digital environment about the history of Russian statehood, regional development, economic and diplomatic relations between Russia and other countries throughout different historical periods. Maxim Dreval emphasized that the Russian Society "Znanie" and the Presidential Library are partners in the field of education. They share a common goal of making knowledge accessible to people from all regions of Russia. Even today, experts from the Presidential Library contribute to the Society's educational programs. For example, they are invited to participate in large-scale events such as the International Exhibition and Forum "Russia" held at VDNH, where they share their knowledge with attendees.

It is important not only to make information accessible, but also to make it interesting. Maxim Dreval is pleased to announce that the two organizations will work together to develop new methods and formats for delivering knowledge to a modern audience. He is confident that this partnership will create a positive environment for the continued growth of our organizations, and will benefit both Russia and its people.

Within the framework of the agreement, we plan to create joint video projects and replenish the Presidential Library's collection with video lectures from the Russian Society "Znanie". We also plan to involve lecturers from "Znanie" in library events. This agreement will allow us to establish long-term and productive cooperation in disseminating knowledge about the country's history and achievements, as well as providing objective coverage of historical events.

We intend to actively introduce modern teaching methods into our educational work, enhance the effectiveness of lectures, foster interdepartmental collaboration, and create a modern multimedia learning environment.