Presidential Library marks the Russia Day

12 June 2024

On June 12th, our country celebrates Russia Day. This day marks the anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian SFSR in 1990. The document declared the primacy of the RSFSR Constitution and its laws, which marked a significant step towards the independence of Russia.

In 1994, by decree of the President, June 12 was declared a holiday to commemorate this important event. In 1998, it was officially renamed Russia Day, and in 2002, with the introduction of the Labor Code, the holiday was given its current name.

On the portal of the Presidential Library, a collection of materials about the history of Russian statehood called State Authority is available. This collection contains more than 50,000 documents, including official and archival materials, scientific and educational publications, photographs, newsreels, audio recordings, videos, and documentaries. These materials show the features of Russian state power during different historical periods and the legal basis for its activities.

One of the collections on the portal is "State Symbols of Russia". This collection includes films about the coat of arms, the anthem, and the flag of our country, which tell us about the official symbols of Russia.

The basis of the Russian People collection consists of digital copies of official documents, statistical materials, photographs, newsreels, scientific and popular science monographs, and periodicals. These materials reflect demographic and migration processes in Russia, as well as the main demographic indicators that characterize the state of the population in different historical periods.

A particular interest is the Persons of Russia section, which contains biographical materials about prominent Russian statesmen, politicians, military leaders, public figures, and church leaders, as well as representatives of science, culture, and art.

Russian Language is one of the pillars of Russian statehood and the culture of our country's people. The Russian electronic collection includes manuscripts, publications, archival documents, scientific works, dictionaries, reference books, and various textbooks. The Russian Federation is the largest country on Earth in terms of occupied territory. It has a long history that has been shaped over many centuries. Topics related to the formation and current state of our country's territory are a priority for the Presidential Library. This includes scientific, popular science, and educational publications, as well as archival documents, maps, photographs, and newsreels that characterize the Russian territory from various aspects and historical periods. All of these materials have been collected in the electronic collection called Territory of Russia.

On the Presidential Library's portal an electronic collection called Constitution - Basic Law is also available. This collection includes the texts of all the constitutions of Russia, starting with the first one dated 1918 and continuing through the latest edition of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which was adopted in 1993 and has been amended several times since then.

The collection also includes the constitutions of other countries, such as the USSR, which were in effect during different periods of Soviet history. These include the constitutions from 1924, 1936, and 1977, as well as those of the RSFSR from 1925, 1937, and 1978.

A large part of the collection focuses on the current Constitution of the Russian Federation. One can read the full text of this document on the Presidential Library portal. In addition, the portal also provides access to the texts of constitutions and charters from various regions of Russia.

The original copy of the first edition of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is presented in the exhibition hall of the Presidential Library. A digital copy of this important document is also available on the library's portal. Visitors from all over the world can access the Constitution Hall of the Presidential Library through a 3D tour, which is available on the library's online platform.

The Presidential Library, Russia's first electronic national library, forms a comprehensive archive of electronic documents on the history, theory, and practice of Russian statehood. It is one of the most significant tasks of the library to showcase the work of the President of the Russian Federation.

Presidential Chronicle project focuses on the formation and evolution of the presidency in Russia. This project includes films such as "Symbols of Presidential Power," Personal Library of the President of the Russian FederationArchive of the President of the Russian Federation, I Appeal to the President, and Ceremonial Residence of the President of Russia: Grand Kremlin Palace.

The Presidential Library portal features the Institute of Presidential Power in Russia section, which is part of the "State Power" collection and includes subsections such as "Presidents of the Russian Federation", "Inaugural Celebrations", "Speeches by the President of the Russian Federation", and others.

The Russian State and Economy collection includes studies and documents on the economic history of our country from ancient times. The materials in this collection reflect the evolution of domestic and international trade, the specifics of agricultural and industrial development in Russia, government agencies' activities in the economic and financial sectors, changes in economic life during the Soviet period, including during World War II, as well as current economic conditions in Russia and aspects of its foreign economic activities.

The portal of the Presidential Library presents a scientific and educational project called "Great Russia". This project tells about famous writers, poets, composers, artists, scientists, architects, inventors, engineers, cosmonauts and other people who achieved great success in various fields. These people were ahead of their time and made significant contributions to the development of both Russian and world science and culture.

Great Russia is a project that is regularly updated and expanded with new information resources from the Presidential Library's collection and its partner organizations.

One of the main priorities of the Presidential Library is the history of Russian statehood. The library has more than one million depository items in its collection, including electronic copies of unique historical materials that allow us to learn more about the life and history of our country.