Resources of Presidential Library for financial education of children and youth of Chuvash Republic

23 July 2024

Librarians from the Chuvash Regional Center, based on the National Library of the Chuvash Republic, participated in the interregional competition for libraries and school information and library centers called We Are Friends with Financial Literacy. The competition was organized by the Regional Center for Financial Literacy, which operates under the State Autonomous Institution of Additional Professional Education in Lipetsk Region, the Institute for Educational Development. Representatives from seven regions of Russia took part in the competition.

The winners were announced at an interregional conference on July 19, 2024, titled "The Role of Information and Library Centers and Libraries in Shaping the Financial Culture of Families."

The work of Irina Stepanova, a librarian at the Chuvash Regional Center of the Presidential Library, titled "Exhibitions of Photo Illustrations of Commemorative Coins of the Bank of Russia as a Tool for Financial Education" was awarded a diploma in the II degree for the "Thematic Exhibition" category.

The competition highlighted the unique aspect of presenting the potential of utilizing the electronic collections from the Presidential Library for financial education among children and young people.

As part of the competition, the experience of organizing exhibitions based on photo illustrations of commemorative coins from the collection of the Bank of Russia was presented. These exhibitions were held in cooperation with the National Bank of the Chuvash Republic and the Volga-Vyatka Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The exhibitions, "Stories of Victory" and "Peter the Great", were open to visitors at the Chuvash Regional Center for Access to Presidential Library resources in May and August 2023, respectively.

The coin exhibition "Victory Stories" is a commemorative project that tells the story of significant events during the Great Patriotic War through illustrations. It celebrates the incredible courage of soldiers and the unwavering strength of Soviet citizens during this difficult time.

The coins from the series "Weapons of the Great Victory" are dedicated to notable individuals such as G. S. Shpagin, the designer of the PPSh machine gun, M. I. Koshkin, the creator of the T-34 tank, and V. M. Petlyakov, the developer of the Pe-2 bomber. These coins are a testament to the important role these individuals played in shaping the outcome of the war.

In conjunction with the exhibition, a multimedia lesson titled History of Great Victory was presented. This lesson includes a display of photographic images and audiovisual materials from the Presidential Library's collection Memory of the Great Victory. These materials include the documentary films PPSh: Symbol of Victory and T-34, as well as excerpts from newsreels showcasing the power of Russian weapons.

The exhibition "Peter the Great" is based on a comprehensive overview of the electronic collection of the Presidential Library Peter I (1672-1725) and also includes photographic images of commemorative coins dedicated to significant events during the reign of Peter the Great. These events include the establishment of the Russian Navy, the founding of new cities such as Kronstadt and Petrozavodsk, the celebration of the 300th anniversary of military education in Russia, Peter the Great's monetary reform, the start of state arms production in Tula, the 300th anniversary of the Battle of Poltava and the victory of the Russian fleet at the Battle of Gangut.

Special attention is also paid to the life and writings of Peter's first biographers, as well as the video Teachers of Peter Iand discussions about the characteristics of his personality and the historical significance of his reforms.

The disclosure of the Presidential Library's electronic resources on the history of Russia, accompanied by the presentation of examples of medal art, allows for the organization of original, visually striking and meaningful events that can attract the interest of schoolchildren to national history.

On the portal of the Presidential Library, there is a collection titled Chuvash Republic: Pages of History. This collection includes research, official documents, and archival materials that reflect the socio-economic, political, and cultural aspects of the region's history, as well as the current Constitution of the Chuvash Republic.