Presidential Library showed film about famous St. Petersburg jazz musician David Goloshchyokin

20 August 2024

On August 20th, 2024, the Presidential Library hosted a public screening of the documentary "He is Jazz: David Goloshchyokin," created with the support of the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives. Before the screening, Innokenty Ivanov, the film's director and journalist, made an introductory speech.

David Goloshchyokin is a renowned jazz musician, a phenomenon of not only Russian but also world scale. As a multi-instrumentalist, he can play the violin, piano, saxophone, drums, double bass, vibraphone, and organ. Additionally, he is a jazz composer. Every part of the film features an original composition by David Goloshchyokin, who demonstrates his exceptional performing skills and compositional talent through his playing of various instruments.

The documentary about David Goloshchyokin follows two main storylines. It introduces the audience to the maestro-composer and maestro-performer, as well as provides fragments of the biography of this musician, who is widely considered the leading jazz figure in Russia. These elements are woven into the original musical fabric of the film, creating a unique and engaging experience for viewers.

The documentary is available for viewing on the Library's RuTube channel and on the social media platforms VKontakte and Odnoklassniki