Day of the National Flag of Russian Federation celebrated with exhibition and video lecture at Presidential Library

22 August 2024

On August 22, 2024, the Presidential Library of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation hosted the opening of a multimedia exhibition-presentation titled August 22 - the Day of the National Flag of the Russian Federation and a video lecture by Gleb Kalashnikov, a candidate of historical sciences and executive secretary of the Heraldic Council under the President of Russia.

These events were timed to coincide with the celebration of the Day of the National Flag, which was officially established by Presidential Decree 30 years ago in August 1994. Since then, the holiday has been celebrated every year on August 22 in Russia.The materials from the Presidential Library's collection are on display at the multimedia exhibition-presentation, "August 22: The Day of the National Flag of the Russian Federation," dedicated to one of the symbols of our country's state power.

In his video lecture, Gleb Kalashnikov discusses the history of the Russian flag and explains the difference between a banner and a flag. The main distinction between the two is that a banner exists in only one copy, while a flag can be reproduced. A banner is not just a heraldic symbol, but also a sacred object, a relic. On the other hand, a flag was developed later and owes its existence to the need for identification in large fleets. It became important to know whose ship was in front of them, so flags were created. They have simpler designs and can be easily reproduced. Banners, on the other hand, were more complex and were made with expensive materials, making them difficult to see in the open sea and prone to damage from the wind and salt.

The Presidential Library's portal also offers other lectures by Gleb Kalashnikov on the symbols of state power in our country: The State Emblem of Russia and The National Anthem of Russia.

Additionally, the documentary The Flag of Russia, from the trilogy titled "State Symbols of Russia," provides an insight into the history of the Russian national flag.