Winners of "The future of the Fatherland in the hands of a Teacher" pedagogical projects contest awarded by Presidential Library

9 December 2024

On December 9, 2024, the Presidential Library held a solemn ceremony to award the winners and finalists of the The Future of Our Country in the Hands of Teachers competition.

The ceremony was warmly greeted by Yuri Nosov, the General Director of the Presidential Library. He emphasized that this was the second competition of pedagogical projects organized by the library with the support of the Ministry of Education. This year, many works from various regions of Russia were submitted, including those from reunified areas.

The competition, which was held in three stages from April 1st to November 5th, 2024, was attended by teachers from educational organizations in the Russian Federation, as well as educators from educational institutions and specialists from information and library centers that carry out educational activities within their institutions. Participants had at least one year of professional experience.

The winners of the pedagogical project competition The Future Fatherland in the Hands of a Teacher were determined based on the total number of points earned during all stages of the competition. During the evaluation of the competing projects, several criteria were taken into consideration, including the appropriateness of the selection of resources from the Presidential Library and the thoroughness of their utilization.

A jury was formed to assess the final stage of the competition, consisting of representatives from the Presidential Library, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture, and the Russian Society Znaniye, as well as prominent educators from across Russia.

The following individuals were named winners of the competition:

Kondratova Alina Alekseevna's project Outstanding Benefactors in History. Charity as a Moral Duty (nominated for Best Lesson in the Basics of Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Peoples of Russia)

Olshanskaya Yulia Evgenievna's project, Educational Game 'Family Alphabet' (nominated for Best Social Studies Lesson)

Samofalova Ekaterina Vitalievna's Informative Text, or In Every Outline, In Every Draft (nominated Best Russian Language Lesson)

Andreeva Elena Andreevna's The Arctic - The Facade of Russia: A Journey to the Mysterious Anian (nominated for Best Geography Lesson)

Sergienko Anastasia Vladimirovna's Front Behind the Front Line (nominated for Best History Lesson)

Fedoreeva Svetlana Viktorovna's Nart - Hero of the Caucasus Epic (nominated for Best Literature Lesson)

Shagvalieva Leysan Faritovna, the project Medicine during the Great Trials (nominated for Best Educational Event).

In addition, Lebedeva Natalia Nikolaevna, the prize winner of the contest, was presented with a diploma and memorable gifts at the ceremony for her project Khlestakov and Khlestakovism as a Social Phenomenon nominated for Best Literature Lesson.

The winners of the competition were awarded with diplomas, prizes, and the right to publish their pedagogical project materials on the Presidential Library's portal. One of the winners from the Krasnodar region could not attend the ceremony in person and participated via video link. A diploma and prize from the Presidential Library will be delivered to her by post.

All participants who reached the final stage and submitted the approval of their projects were declared winners in the Future of the Fatherland in Hands of a Teacher pedagogical competition.

For more information about the Future of the Fatherland in Hands of a Teacher competition, please visit the Presidential Library website.