New collection of Presidential Library dedicated to Russian Military Historical Society

11 March 2025

A new digital collection Russian Military Historical Society has been published on the portal of the Presidential Library.

The digital collection dedicated to the Russian Military Historical Society contains both modern official documents and materials from the early 20th century history of the organization. These include instructions, circulars, regulations, meeting logs, official correspondence, collections of published materials, newspaper articles, and materials from regional branches of the society. Additionally, there are publications and periodicals related to military history.

The collection is organized into two main categories: documents related to the current status of the Russian Military Historical Society and those related to the history of the Imperial Russian Military Historical Society. The modern organization, which is the successor to the Imperial one, was founded by the decree of the President of Russia in 2012. The collection also contains materials from a photo exhibition organized by the society on new territories that have become part of the Russian Federation.

The Russian Military Historical Society is a continuation of the traditions of the Imperial Russian Military Historical Society, which was established by decree of Emperor Nicholas II in 1907. Its aim is to unite citizens in order to study, preserve, and promote knowledge of the nation's military history. This includes conducting archaeological research at sites of former battles, publishing archival materials, creating and maintaining military historical museums, protecting and restoring monuments, collecting military uniforms and weapons, and publishing information about both the heritage of our ancestors and current military events.

The second section includes documents related to the establishment of the Imperial Society, its organizational structure (general meetings, council, and ranks), regional departments, scientific and educational activities, publishing, and financial operations. It also contains materials on representatives of leadership and individual members of the society.

Among these materials, there is an archival file containing drawings of designs for the badge of the Russian Military Historical Society created by military historian and battle artist Major General A. P. Safonov (1852–1913). Other documents reveal the specific organization of the society, including a circular about the internal division into categories (history of wars, military specialties, and military archaeology and archaeography) and typewritten meeting logs signed by members of the council for the years 1907–1910.

The scientific and educational activities of the society are reflected through various aspects, including memorial, educational, archival, and publishing work. One of these aspects is the financing of publications. The sources include collections of documents related to anniversary celebrations, such as those commemorating the 200th anniversaries of the battles of Lesnaya and Poltava and the 100th anniversary of the Russo-Swedish War. Additionally, materials on the activities of the information bureau and the creation of departments for organizing public lectures and readings are included. Archival documents related to funding for individual publications and overall publishing activities are also part of the collection. Furthermore, the multi-volume Proceedings of the Imperial Russian Military Historical Society, which covers the history of military campaigns during the Northern War and the War of 1812, is presented. Finally, issues of the journal published by the society in 1913 are included in the collection.

The Persons section of the archive includes documents related to the management of the company and its members. It contains information about the honorary chairman, Emperor Nicholas II, as well as materials about General of Cavalry D. A. Skalon, one of the previous chairmen of the society (1840-1919). Other documents include information about A. Z. Myshlaevsky, N. P. Mikhnevich and other members of the organization.

There are also lists of full members, employees, and documents related to elections and notifications of the board of directors. These include detailed notes, telegrams, newspaper clippings, business cards, and more.