Presidential Library participates in project Patriotism. Upbringing. Future
On March 20, 2025, the Presidential Library of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation participated in the online video lecture course Patriotism. Education. Future, organized by the Foundation for the Development of Social Initiatives, under the leadership of the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President in the Far Eastern Federal District.
At a meeting in the studio, Dmitry Kosenko, senior methodologist at the Department for International Cooperation of the Presidential Library, gave a lecture on the topic of "Family Archives as a Source for the History of the Siege of Leningrad Based on Materials from the Presidential Library."
He emphasized the importance of using personal sources such as letters, diaries, and memoirs when studying the history of the city during the siege. These sources provide a unique perspective on the daily life and experiences of residents during this difficult time. Without these personal accounts, it would be impossible to fully understand the emotions and challenges faced by those who lived through the siege.
The Presidential Library places great importance on preserving historical memory, including through digitization and making available to the public materials from the personal archives of Leningrad residents. As part of a project dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the lifting of the Nazi siege on Leningrad, the Presidential Library has scanned over four thousand documents related to the siege, including 35 diaries, more than 850 letters, and 95 memoirs. These documents provide a unique insight into the daily life of Leningrad during the war, including work, study, military service, evacuation, and urban life. The scanned materials can now be accessed from anywhere in the world through the library's online collections Defence and Siege of Leningrad and Memory of the Great Victory.
A recording of Dmitry Kosenko's speech on this topic is available by link.
The purpose of the online video lecture course Patriotism, Upbringing, Future Project is to popularize traditional Russian spiritual and moral values and educate patriotism through social and political work with groups.
This lecture course is held on a digital platform and is intended for anyone interested in current affairs and social and political issues. Weekly live broadcasts are available on the Rutube channel, VKontakte, and Telegram. The audience includes heads and employees of regional and municipal government agencies in the Far Eastern Federal District, federal government agencies, members of public organizations, educators and educators in preschool, secondary, and higher education institutions, as well as workers from industrial enterprises in the region and others.
Lectures on patriotic education are delivered by politicians, historians, economists, and experts from various fields.
In September 2024, the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District signed a cooperation agreement with the Presidential Library of the Presidential Administration of Russia. The aim of this agreement is to develop a secure information space in the field of historical education and preserve historical memory. It also aims to counter the falsification of history and strengthen patriotism among young people in the Far East.
One of the main points of the agreement involves conducting information, educational and cultural activities in the Far Eastern region, primarily targeting young people. This will be done using the resources of the Presidential Library, which will help shape traditional Russian spiritual and moral values among the younger generation.