Presidential Library: the All-Russian work meeting on library branches creation
On October 28 in St. Petersburg in the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library took place the All-Russian working meeting on the library branches creation in the regions of the Russian Federation. In the meeting took part the delegations from 79 regions of Russia represented by the federal government bodies representatives, regions authorities, the Ministry of culture of RF and the heads of federal and central regional libraries.
During the meeting it was mentioned that within 5 months of its activity the Presidential Library has established the relationship with 45 regions of the Federation. “A significant preparatory work has already been done in many regions: the premises are found, the reparation is completed, the equipment and software is bought and installed, the electronic resources development is organized. Now we have to outline the further work plan and also legal, financial and maintenance conditions of collaboration with the regions on branches creation”, - noted the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library director general A.P. Vershinin during the meeting.
The regions representatives reported on the preparatory work made regarding the Library branches creation, the heads of the Presidential Library offices regarding the issues of electronic resources development and integration, software and technical solutions for the branches activity.
“We see that the majority of the regions are ready to work with us in spite of a series of difficulties. The heads of the federation regions understand that creation of the Presidential Library branch is a real breakthrough for a region, a great motivation for its development and for the integration of an independent territory into the information space of Russia,” – said S.M. Makeev, the director general deputy.
During the all-Russian work meeting the agreements on collaboration in the Presidential Library branches creation were signed by the representatives of Tatarstan, Buryatia, Tyumen and Omsk regions. The representatives of another 10 regions intend to follow the example of their colleagues in the nearest future.
After the agreements on collaboration were signed, the consultations, discussions and a round table took place. There the participants exchanged the work experiences, reported on the preparatory work made regarding the Library branches creation and the particularities of the librarianship in the regions.
It was the first All-Russian work meeting on the Library branches creation. According to the Russian President decree of June 18, 2007 the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library branches will be open in all the regions of the Russian Federation.