The Presidential Library: the session of the Public Committee for the libraries development assistance took place

3 December 2009

On December 3 in the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library was held the 5th session of the Public Committee for the Russian libraries development assistance (the Committee chairman – the State Duma Speaker B.V. Gryzlov, the deputy chairman – the authorized representative of the Russian Federation government in the State Duma A.V. Loginov, the executive secretary – the Russian state library president V.V. Fedorov). During the session were discussed the issues of the legislative basis in the librarianship field and the ways of realization of the current legislation regarding literary monuments.  In the session took part the government bodies representatives, the directors of the largest Russian libraries. The participants listened to the report of A.V. Kibovsky, the head of the Federal service for the legislation observance in the sphere of cultural heritage security “The preservation of the literary monuments, the integral part of the cultural heritage of the Russian Federation peoples”.

One of the most important objectives in this area is the realization of the Federal law “On the librarianship” that stipulates in particular the creation of the literary monuments Register. According to the experts estimates in Russia there are at least 5 million units of literary monuments including 3 million of books published in Russia before the 1830. The literary monuments are determined by law as “manuscript books and printed issues of the outstanding spiritual and material values, of the special historical, scientific, cultural significance and in regard of which there is established a particular order of accounting, preservation and use”. In 2006 – 2009 in republics and regions of the Russian Federation there were organized 28 centers on creating of regional literary monuments codes. “The work with literary monuments should be a long-term activity performed on different levels: reveal, description, state registration, scientific study and bringing into a wide cultural and scientific circulation”, - resumed the session participants.

The final Decision of the Public Committee 5th session includes a series of clauses on stimulating the literary monuments registers introduction on the federal and regional levels, on the necessity to establish the responsibility under administrative law for violation of the literary monuments preservation and use norms, as well as implementation of tax remissions in regards of literary monuments’ conservation and restoration. The Public Committee for the Russian libraries’ development assistance was established on November 2, 2006. 

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