Interactive seminar held in the Presidential Library

7 July 2010

On July 7, 2010 in the Presidential Library took place an interactive seminar “Russia in XXI century: in search of the national development strategy”. Scholars from St. Petersburg and Chuvash Republic attended the event which was held in a form of videoconference between the Presidential Librar and the National Library of Chuvash Republic (Cheboksary). Those present tried to elaborate a national concept and strategy of the development of Russia during the years to come in accordance with modernization program proposed by the RF President D. A. Medvedev.

The key speaker of the seminar was V. L. Inozemtsev, Postindustrial Society Research Center Director, editor in chief of ‘Svobodnaya mysl’ (‘Free mind’) journal. In his opinion a new industrialization should be declared. It is dangerous to count on the innovations taking into account the absence of industrial basis for their implementation in the country. The speaker noted that all modern developed countries have undergone industrialization.

In conclusion the speaker outlined that in order to implement modernization and industrialization plan it is necessary to have a responsible ruling politic elite which is able to regard business as an instrument for realization of political decisions.

The speaker was opposed by V. V. Kozlovsky, professor, Head of culture and communication sociology sub-department of St. Petersburg State University Sociology Department. In his opinion, modernization is ideology intended for constant renovation of the social mode of life. As an example, the opponent reminded about the modernization which took place in Russia at the end of 19th century and what it resulted in for the Russian Empire.

Television space bridge moderator from the side of the Chuvash Republic National Library A. P. Karpov, associate professor of political science sub-department of Chuvash State University, summing up the discussion noted that in Russian society there is a weariness of generations. For the nearest 15-20 years we should create standards and procedures in the country. 

At the end of the television space bridge all the attendees of the seminar in Chuvash National Library were handed the books by V. L. Inozemtsev with author’s autograph.

The seminar was held as a part of social scientific and enlightening project “Modernization and innovational development in the world and in Russia: theory and practice” initiated by Chuvash Republic Development Strategy Council. The council was established in 2007 under the order of Chuvash President N. V. Feodorov with a view to realize the development strategy in the republic.

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