Presidential Library took part in the “Dialogue: Russia – Republic of Korea” Forum

8 November 2010

On November 8 2010 the delegation of the Presidential Library, headed by its Director General A.P. Vershinin, arrived in Seoul in order to take part in the work of the Civil Society Forum called “Dialogue: Russia – Republic of Korea”.

The dialogue was carried out within the framework of the visit of the RF President D.A. Medvedev to the Republic of Korea. A plenary session gave a start to the work of the forum, after that participants continued the discussion of symposium’s issues in six working sections.

A.P. Vershinin is a member of the “Politics and International Relations” section, he is also expected to deliver a report at the session of the “Culture and Art” group. Other members of the Presidential Library’s delegation will be engaged in the work of “Education and Science”, “Culture and Art”, “The Youth Dialogue” sections.

The “Dialogue” will come to an end with a plenary session, which will bring together Presidents of Russia and the Republic of Korea.

In October 2010 the Presidential Library’s delegation participated in the International conference Round table “Russia ‑ Korea: discussing future strategies”, which became a part of the forum.