Integration of culture and history in digital environment discussed in the Presidential Library

27 October 2011

27 October 2011 the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library hosted the Second Theoretical and Practical Conference “Cultural Heritage: Integration of Resources in Digital Environment”. Librarians, archivists and museum workers of Russia considered the issues of unification of regional holdings into electronic information resources.

Creation of common standards for description of library, archival and museum objects in order to facilitate their search and accessibility in electronic catalogues is the primary objective of the meeting participants. As a part of the conference, took place an open session of the working group on development of principles and approaches to combination of presentation and access to library, archival and museum resources in accordance with modern international standards.

For the first time in Russia were presented international standards of archival description: ISAAR (CPF) – International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families; and EAD (DTD) – Encoded Archival Description, which have been translated and published by the Presidential Library.  

As an example of co-operation between the Presidential Library and regional institutions was a presentation of the Kaliningrad Museum of the World Ocean. Director Deputy of the Museum L. V. Zubina told the future students of naval classes of St. Petersburg about the most western museum of Russia and its exhibits. She also granted to the Presidential Library some video materials from the collections of the World Ocean Museum.

During the conference there was demonstrated Xerox BookSurf Suite pilot platform on the model of the domestic information network of the Presidential Library. The project is meant for patrons of electronic libraries and Internet users. It enables to provide commercial services of provision of a unique content – books and other materials – in electronic and paper format. The first ten participants were given an opportunity to order a book from the available collections of the Presidential Library.

The conference was attended by representatives of administrations of the Russian Federation regions, heads of regional libraries, federal and regional archives, representatives of the Union of Russian Museums, federal and major regional higher educational institutions.

The organizers of the conference: the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, the Federal Archives Agency, the Union of Russian Museums.

The conference, held the second year in a row, is another step of the Presidential Library in promoting co-operation between archives and cultural institutions as a part of resolutions of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation on development of information society in Russia of 8 July, 2010.

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