The Presidential Library opened the first access center to its resources in Bulgaria

22 May 2017

The opening of the first remote electronic reading room of the Presidential Library on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria was held at the Russian Cultural and Information Center in Sofia. The event took place within the framework of the “Petersburg Meetings in Sofia”. The project is aimed at expanding bilateral cooperation between St. Petersburg and the capital of Bulgaria.

Residents and guests of the city will have a unique opportunity to get acquainted with electronic copies of rare documents, archival materials, audio and video recordings, abstracts of dissertations and other materials reflecting the centuries-old history of Russian statehood, theory and practice of law, as well as the Russian as the state language of the Russian Federation. To date, there are more than 500,000 documents in the digital library of the Presidential Library. In addition, the center will become a platform for cultural, educational, information projects, objectively telling about the history of Russia.

The digital collection "Russia-Bulgaria: from the history of relationship" has been created in the Presidential Library fund especially for the opening of the center, which includes official documents, archive files, studies and other materials covering the socio-political and cultural development of Bulgaria, as well as individual issues of relations between Bulgaria and Russia in different historical periods.

Today, 29 access centers to the Presidential Library resources have been opened abroad, including London, Madrid, Beijing, Munich and other cities. The library continues its active development, in the future it is planned to open remote electronic reading rooms around the world.