The conference “Woman and Society. History and modernity” at the Presidential Library
On May 23, 2017, the International Public Conference "Woman and Society. History and modernity" took place at the Presidential library. The event was organized by the NGO “Women for Equal Opportunity” with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and with the assistance of the Public Diplomacy Foundation named after the outstanding Russian diplomat and statesman of the XIX century Alexander Mikhailovich Gorchakov.
Welcoming the participants of the conference, the Director for Information Resources of the Presidential Library Elena Zhabko noted: "Since 2009 our organization has been the venue for important international meetings. Today the place of the meeting was not chosen by chance: the word "history" in the title of the conference fully reflects the mission of the Presidential Library - to create an electronic fund of materials on the history, theory and practice of law of the Russian state. Our history was largely determined by the active participation of Russian women in it. And now it is important for us to collect digitized materials on the themes "The role of women in the formation of world culture", "Women and diplomacy" and other important moments".
Genevieve Pascuer d'Augustin gave a detailed account of the history of the French women's movement, illustrating it on the screen with the best canvases of the world's masters of painting. Of course, Jeanne D'Arc was the first to appear behind the banner; Genevieve managed to substantiate her tremendous influence on the increasing role of women in political and public life throughout the world, not just in France.
Natalia Dubinina, a member of the Public Diplomacy Council of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, and a co-moderator from the United States, a member of the Board of Directors of the International Women's Forum, US Ambassador Barbara Barrett, in the course of the plenary session presented the activists of the women's movement of the planet, briefly talked about each of them, First of all - about the presence in the audience of Teresa Weintraub, the President of the IWF.
Natalia Yakunina, the chairman of the All-Russian program "Holiness of motherhood" of the St. Andrew Foundation, voiced the motto of her community: "A woman helps a woman" and told about creative competitions and programs, such as "Old age for joy", "Traditions of my family" and others.
The main goal of the International Women's Forum is to promote the leadership of the "weaker sex" in various professions, cultures, etc. The forum is an organization of outstanding women who have achieved significant and diverse merits. Founded in 1982 in the United States of America, the Forum is held on all six continents, its regional offices are in 33 countries. Currently, more than 6,000 women leaders from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and North America are members of the IWF.
Members of the forum contribute to the strengthening of international relations in the modern world and the training of future generations of women-leaders.