The Presidential Library is developing new projects

13 June 2017

The Presidential Library will completely modernize the exhibition process. This was announced at the round table entitled “Project Activities of Organizations of Culture, Science and Education in the Electronic Environment.” The event took place within the framework of the third International Professional Forum “Book. Culture. Education. Innovation,” which was held from the 3rd to the 11th of June 2017 in Sudak.

Exhibition activities are being organized in the Presidential Library in several formats. These are temporary expositions in exhibition halls, multimedia exhibitions that are displayed in the library building or specially organizing for information support of high-level events at external venues. It stands to mention that temporary expositions are being created as traditional way, so in multimedia format. That makes interactive content management available. Use of digital materials provides broad opportunities for interaction with partners from different parts of Russia and the world. In addition, the quality of exhibition projects significantly improves.

This direction is also promising for the partners of the Presidential Library. Participation in multimedia exhibitions gives the library’s associates additional opportunities for demonstration their own funds, promotion other institutions in the information environment.

The Presidential Library plans to develop such formats as 3D tours, digital web exhibitions, as well as work on creating multimedia exhibition projects to accompany high-level events.

Also, the issues of modernization of library information systems and software complex were discussed during the round table. The Presidential Library has been working on this focus area since 2015. During this time the systems of access to the digital fund have been improved, and software based complexes for acquiring web-based sources have been put into operation.

Currently, the Presidential Library plans to implement projects that will allow working out the entire process of acquisition of digital documents. The professional community associates the importance of including web-based sources into the digital funds with a need to save the digital cultural heritage. This work will prevent the irretrievable disappearance of online resources; it will ensure preservation and studying the history of development of the digital heritage, etcetera.

This year, everyone interested was invited to participate in the round table focused on “Project work of cultural, scientific and educational organizations in the electronic environment. The industry professionals shared on their experiences in the project work in various areas in such organizations as the Presidential Library, the Russian State Library, the LIBNET National Information Library Center, the National Public Library for Science and Technology of Russia, and the St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture.

In addition, as part of the “Book. Culture. Education. Innovation” Third International Professional Forum the representative of the Presidential Library met with the management and staff employees of the “Artek” international children's center. During the meeting bilateral cooperation were discussed, in particular, the issues of organizing joint educational events using current information technologies within the “Knowledge about Russia” public video lecturing, “Russia in the electronic world” interactive Olympiad of school students in history, social studies and the Russian language, information and methodical webinars. Particular attention was paid to the prospects of promoting the electronic content of the Presidential Library in the educational environment, as well as a use of audiovisual formats for information and exhibition activities. It was decided to indorse listed directions in the agreement on cooperation.