Naval Knowledge Day in the Presidential Library

4 September 2017

Naval Knowledge Day was traditionally held in the Presidential Library on September 4, 2017.

Representatives of the Naval Academy named after the Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov, the State University of the Marine and River Fleet named after Admiral S. O. Makarov, St. Petersburg State Naval Technical University, the Nakhimov Naval School, the Kronstadt Military Academy the Naval Cadet Corps, the Marine Technical College, the Central Naval Museum, the Russian State Archive of the Navy, the Marine Council under the St. Petersburg Administration, the Central Naval Library, and veterans of the Russian Navy got together in the Presidential Library.

Following educational institutions from several Russian regions took part in the event via videoconferencing mode: the Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok), the North (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov (Severodvinsk Branch), Tyumen College of Water Transport, the Maritime State University named after Admiral G. I. Nevelsky (Vladivostok), the Black Sea Higher Naval Order of the Red Star School named after P. S. Nakhimov (Sevastopol), and Sevastopol Central Public Library named after the Leo Tolstoy.

At the conference, Vice Admiral Vladimir Kasatonov, head of the “The Naval Academy” Military Educational and Science Center appeared with a speech on the theme of “A significance of the Black Sea Fleet in protecting Russia's southern borders.”

Adviser to the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia Admiral, Commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy (1991-1992) Igor Kasatonov told the audience about an allegiance to the oath and a loyalty to the Russian Federation.

Archbishop of Severomorsk and Umba Mitrofan came out with a word about the spiritual and ethical work of the North Sea Eparchy with the personnel of the Northern Fleet.

Chief adviser of the Joint Shipbuilding Corporation Admiral Viktor Chirkov spoke about the history of military shipbuilding in Russia. A book about the “Domestic Shipbuilding” was introduced to the oudience.

The General Director of the “Nevsky Design-n-Engineering Bureau” Public Joint-stock Company continued a theme of military shipbuilding and spoke about the development of the industry.

Deputy commander of the cruiser “Aurora” captain of the 3rd rank Stanislav Agapitov appeared with a speech, dedicated to the history of the legendary cruiser, as well. And Associate Professor of the Department of TV and Radio Journalism of St. Petersburg State University, PhD in Philology Sergei Ilchenko reexamined an image of the “Aurora” cruiser in the cinema.

Shortly before the 190th anniversary of the Hydrographic Service, head of the Main Navigation and Oceanography Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry Captain 1 Rank Sergey Travin introduced the heroic profession of the hydrograph to the participants of Naval Knowledge Day.

The commander of the “Admiral Vladimirsky” oceanographic research vessel captain Alexander Pyshkin told about a march to the northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

Naval Knowledge Day was held in the Presidential Library for the eighth time. The event was aired live on the Presidential Library website.