Syktyvkar schoolchildren answered the questions of the Presidential Library

4 October 2017

On September 28, high school students of School № 3 of Syktyvkar fought for the title of the winner of an interactive quiz on the materials of the Olympiads of the Presidential Library "Experts of Russian History".

The quiz was held at the National Library of the Republic of Komi in the Museum of Book Culture.

After a short story about the Olympiad "Russia in the electronic world", which allows you to gain an advantage when entering the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, the organizers divided the participants into teams and explained the rules of the quiz. The amount of points was influenced not only by the correctness of the answer, but also by the speed with which the team chose the answer on the smartphone.

After the stubborn struggle of the four teams, the winner was the team that answered the question about A. V. Suvorov's famous book "The Science of winning". Employees of the regional center of the Presidential Library, opened on the basis of the National Library of the Republic of Komi, presented the winners with memorable charters.

The cooperation of the Presidential Library with the Republic of Komi has been developing since 2012.