Events for schoolchildren of School №45 in Krasnoyarsk were held at the State Universal Scientific Library of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

9 October 2017

In the center of remote access to the resources of the Presidential Library under the State Universal Scientific Library of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a virtual tour of students of the 5th grade of the 45th Krasnoyarsk School took place in the sections of the Presidential Library portal. The guys first met with a unique electronic collection, reflecting the centuries-old history of our state. The staff of the center spoke about how to properly work with the portal of the library, showed its structure and content, demonstrated different types of collections and a rich variety of sources of information. Particular attention of students attracted ancient historical documents - chronicles, petitions, punches, which saved us the memory of how our distant ancestors lived. The schoolchildren liked the children's section of the Presidential Library portal, which reflected many interesting moments from the life of the President of Russia, elections, state holidays, etc. At the end of the excursion, students enthusiastically played a virtual quiz "Yenisei province: what, where, when?", answers to which can be found in digital copies of documents presented on the portal of the Presidential Library in the collection "Krasnoyarsk Territory: Pages of History ".

The cooperation of the Presidential Library with the Krasnoyarsk Territory has been developing since 2011.