A creative meeting of Russian and Czech schoolchildren was held at the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Prague
On October 9, the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Prague hosted open lessons and master classes for Czech schoolchildren - participants and winners of the annual creative contest "Ars-Poetics. The monument to Pushkin". They were attended by schoolchildren J. Pekarzh of the Czech city of Mlada Boleslav and young artists of the ensemble dance "Youth" from the Russian city of Dimitrovgrad.
Yevgeny Samosenko, the head of the “Yunost” folk group, conducted a master class for Czech school students on Russian folk dance in the Great Hall, the girls learned how to beat fractions, and the young men learned the basics.
In the Crystal Hall of the RCSC, Russian schoolchildren took part in the master class "Czech souvenir". Children made by themselves the hero of Czech cartoons Krotik.
The senior group of Czech schoolchildren - students of the 3rd and 4th year of the gymnasium attended a lesson in Russian, conducted by Lyudmila Nyklova, head of the Russian language courses at the RCSC in Prague.
The meeting of Russian and Czech schoolchildren with a joint master class "Czech Culture" was concluded. The children got familiar with Czech folklore, dances, and chorused the folk song "Near Hrada" in Czech and learned how to dance the Czech mazurka.
A tour to the Russian Center for Science and Culture was held for all participants of the creative meeting. In the master classes and open lessons in the RCSC in Prague, 60 children of different ages from Russia and the Czech Republic took part.
The portal of the Presidential Library presents the electronic collection "Russia-Czech Republic: from the history of relations". In the course of European history, the paths of the two countries, Russia and the Czech Republic, were repeatedly crossed. The proposed selection includes studies, essays, official documents and photographs highlighting certain aspects of life in the Czech Republic and its relationship with Russia during the XIII-XXI centuries.
According to the portal http://rs.gov.ru.