Patents of major inventions of the renowned scientists will add to the Presidential Library stock

11 October 2017

The Presidential Library will digitize the materials of the State Patent Stock. This is stated in the agreement between the Presidential Library and the Federal Institute of Industrial Property, signed on October 4, 2017.

Among the documents that will be digitized, are the privileges (patents) for many known inventions. These include, for instance, the dispatches receiver using for their delivery electromagnetic waves, designed by the famous Russian inventor, physicist and electrical engineer Professor Alexander Popov.

The earliest of the privileges handed to the Presidential Library for conversion into digital form and archiving is dated 1878. This is the famous “candle of Yablochkov” — an electric lamp, which was invented by an outstanding Russian electrical engineer Pavel Yablochkov. Later he had registered several more inventions — a cable system canalization and as well as an auto-accumulator and a new galvanic batteries.

Among the materials offered to the Presidential Library are also privileges for inventions issued to the “father of Russian aviation” Nikolai Zhukovsky. It was he who stood at the origins of aerodynamics as a science and made several fundamental discoveries.

Another outstanding scientist, who received the privilege of his invention, was the founder of theoretical astronautics Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. A device for the mobile connection of separate metal sheets of the balloon’s body frame also belongs to his authorship.

In addition, the Presidential Library stock will eventually be added with the digital copies of patents for foreign inventions. These materials will show the research and inventive work in Russia as part of the global experience.

These and other unique documents will be included in the Presidential Library fund, which today numbers more than 550,000 entries. Among these are the digital copies of published editions and archival documents, audio and video recordings, abstracts of dissertations and other materials reflecting the centuries-old history of Russian statehood, theory and practice of law, and the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation. The materials to be added will significantly contribute into the selection of dedicated to the history and development of Russian sci-tech and natural cause thought.