Artists of “The world with the child’s eyes” exhibition will visit the Presidential Library
On October 20, 2017, at 3 pm the artists of “The world with the child’s eyes” — kids from the St. Petersburg based “Down Center” Public Organization for the Disabled People will visit the exhibition of their own works in the Presidential Library. The exposition includes over 60 works of as known “sunshiny kids” in various techniques: drawings, collages and applications. There is a bright, sunny world of childhood, which hasn’t been taken away by the disease. The children created almost all the works completely independently, and many of these are truly original.
Apart from observing the exposition, little guests of the library will also go sightseeing around the historic Synod building, which currently accommodates the premises of the leading information and cultural center in Russia.
Young visitors will see the electronic reading room, which is offering an extensive fund of the Presidential Library, numbering today more than 550,000 entries. There will be a special presentation of a variety of book rarities for the kids of the “Down Center”, where they will see an eye-catching, colorfully illustrated editions of children’s ABC books from the beginning of the twentieth century (“ABC in pictures” by Benoit, “New Brief Alphabet” by Vasin), postcards and photos telling about the creation of St. Petersburg and the main city symbols. Apart from just looking at the books, an interactive format of the lesson will allow children to examine these editions independently, to flip through virtual pages, to observe them in 3 dimensions, and also gain some skills of working and interacting with the book in the electronic environment.
The “Down Center” St. Petersburg Public Organization for the Disabled People was established in 2003. It unites the families of children and adults with Down syndrome. One of the key directions of its work is organizing the group and individual developmental trainings for children, and “The world with the child’s eyes” exhibition in the Presidential Library is a result of this work.
It stands to mention, that with the assistance of the Presidential Library and the support of the “Orthodox Initiative 2016-2017” International Open Grant Competition, this year’s winner of which is the “Down Center”, the exposition of these works was organized this summer in Grand Canyon sopping mall near the Prospect Prosveshcheniya metro station.
An accreditation for the media representatives is open until 2 pm on October 19, 2017.
Please, submit your applications for accreditation in the attached form with the “Media accreditation” note in subject line to Alexandra Khudyakova at media@prlib.ru, hudjakova@prlib.ru, Press Service of the Presidential Library, phone +7 (812) 305 1621 (ext. 167), mobile: +7 (981) 788-28-08.
Your application on the attached form must specify a media name, a full name of media representative, a date and a place of the representative’s birth, full passport or picture id details (series, number, when and by what body it was issued, place of residence), a carry-on equipment (including notebooks and tablet computers), and the contact phone numbers.
Please be advised, that the event participants and guests enter the Presidential Library through the entrance № 1, and the media representatives — through the entrance № 2 by appointment only and without any exceptions upon presentment of passport or picture id.