The Presidential library gathered the specialists on professional orientation of youth

19 October 2017

The high importance of the choice of the profession of youth was discussed today within “Professional self-determination, career development of youth — a key requirement for the socio-economic development of the state” City Based Scientific and Practical Conference in the Presidential Library.

Chairwoman of the Committee on Youth Policy and Interaction with Public Organizations of St. Petersburg Renata Abdulina highlighted that “many things in the structure of the economy, in higher education, and in further work of young graduates depend on how correctly we are orienting young people today in their careers.”

The age of rapid development of modern technologies, when certain professions disappear while the new ones appear, cannot leave the labor and education market unaffected. As it was stated at the conference, today the issue of employment in the specialty of graduates of universities is very acute. Wrong choice of profession in the future can interfere with the successful self-realization of young people. That is why today special attention is paid to early career guidance: to be able to reveal in time the potential inherent in nature in every person.

The Presidential Library has united on its site such specialists who are ready to help young people to choose their profession competently. The participants of the conference together looked for effective ways and methods for the correct orientation of the youth, discussed common solutions and worked out an integrated approach. As it was said at the conference, “young people need to get help in finding their right vector of development, so would have never regret their choice of profession in the future, instead reaping the successful fruits of their professional self-determination.”

It stands to mention that the Presidential Library pays much attention to work with young people, strengthening the patriotic education of the younger generation. As part of its comprehensive work, the library actively implements its own educational and outreach projects. Among them there are various competitions, multimedia lessons, video lectures of “Knowledge about Russia” series, cinema clubs meetings, informative excursions and webinars.

One of the most ambitious projects is the annual interactive Olympiad on history, social studies and the Russian language for high school students entitled Russia in the electronic world. Schoolchildren from all regions of Russia take part in it. The main objectives of the Olympiad are the awareness raising in the younger generation of interest in the history of their homeland and a sense of responsibility for the protecting and development of Russian statehood, as well as the identification of young talents, regardless of whether one or another student lives in a big city or a small village.

Another equally significant project of the Presidential Library, which is of great interest among the young people, is the Foreign View Multimedia Contest. In 2017, it is devoted to the theme of ecology. Also this year there is a special nomination named “The Ball of Victory,” which is timed to coincide with the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia. Currently, the submission of works is going on. Photographs and videos are accepted for the competition. Everyone can become a participant regardless of age and country of residence. The key requirement of the competition is that Russian residents have to take their pictures and shoot videos abroad, and foreign citizens — in Russia.

In addition, the Presidential Library airs on its website the best national popular science, documentary and educational movies produced over the last decades by the Lennauchfilm Studio and the St. Petersburg Documentary Film Studio.