The role of the Soviet state in the Second World War was discussed at the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Brest

27 October 2017

October 26, 2017, the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Brest hosted an event from the cycle "Counteracting the falsification of the history of the Great Patriotic War" on "The Role of the Soviet State in the Second World War".

The event was attended by high school students of secondary school № 18 and cadets of secondary school № 35.

In recent times historical facts have been falsified, thereby questioning the significance of the contribution of the Soviet people to the Victory over fascism. The purpose of this cycle of events is to allow the modern generation to correctly perceive past events and navigate the flow of information coming from various sources.

During the event, international relations and historical facts of 1918-1939 were analyzed, the reasons for the Nazis to come to power in Germany, the policy of the Soviet state in Europe, the signing of the Non-Aggression Treaty between the USSR and Germany were considered. The difference between the ideologies of these countries is shown and the reasons why it is impossible to equate them on the eve of the outbreak of World War II are revealed.

The Presidential Library portal features electronic collection "Memory of the Great Victory". The collection includes official documents, photo and newsreels, wartime newspapers, books of agitation and propaganda nature, collections of articles, biographies, testimonies of combatants and workers of the home front, their personal documents, images of combat and labor awards, monuments and memorials complexes, thoughts about the war of grandsons and great-grandchildren of veterans.

According to the portal