Pupils of the school №68 in Penza visited the Lermontov Regional Library

31 October 2017

October 29, 2017 marks the 99th anniversary of the creation of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth League (VLKSM). On the eve of the Komsomol's birthday, eighth graders of the school with an in-depth study of computer science №68 in Penza visited the Lermontov Regional Library to recall the legendary past of the youth organization, which in the Soviet period included millions of citizens from 14 to 28 years old.

Employees of the regional center of the Presidential Library, acting on the basis of the Lermontov Penza Regional Library, described how the Komsomol was emerged, what was its role in the difficult years of the country, what awards it obtained.

In the section "On This Day" on the portal of the Presidential Library schoolchildren learned that the Union aimed to disseminate the ideas of communism among the youth, its political education, the involvement of youth in economic and state construction, in the defense of Soviet power, and from the book "The Glorious Path of the Komsomol" , published by the Penza publishing house in 1943, drew interesting figures and facts that clearly illustrate the contribution of the Komsomol to the most important construction projects of the USSR.

Then the students looked at a fragment from the popular science film "Komsomol is my destiny", which briefly tells about the heroic pages of the history of the organization, and the presentation "Komsomol in the history of the country". The interactive quiz helped to check the acquired knowledge. "Where do you start, Komsomol?" It should be noted that the memory of the schoolchildren was excellent, because they remembered the main historical milestones and correctly answered virtually all the questions.

In addition, the students learned that the Presidential Library conducts for the senior pupils the Olympiad "Russia in the Electronic World" on the history of Russia, social science and the Russian language. Librarians emphasized the students' attention to the fact that they can find answers to many questions by referring to electronic sources available through the portal of the Presidential Library.

The day was ended with a tour through the library, where one of the most vivid impressions was the visit to the Center for Rare Documents and Book Monuments.

The Presidential Library portal features electronic collection "Penza region: pages of history". The collection includes archival documents, essays, studies and statistical materials covering the demographic, geographic, socio-economic, socio-political and other aspects of the history of the Penza region at the end of the XVIII century and the first third of the XX century.