The magazine “Rodina” presented unique articles about the revolution in Petersburg

7 November 2017

In the Presidential Library within the video lecture "Knowledge about Russia" was held a presentation of the November issue of the magazine "Rodina" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great Russian Revolution. In addition to the listeners from the Northern capital, readers from Bishkek, the Krasnodar Territory, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, Kemerovo, Perm, Ufa, Chelyabinsk and Kazan joined the conversation in a videoconference mode.

It should be noted that this project first came to the international level: besides traditional communication with Kyrgyzstan, new contacts were established with readers from the United States. Participants of the Russian language course from the Russian Cultural Center in Washington took part in the conversation.

Editor-in-chief of the magazine Igor Kotz, presenting the authors of the magazine, called them "revolutionaries": after all, their research largely refutes the traditional view of the events of a hundred years ago adopted in Russian historiography. So the doctor of historical sciences, the professor of the Saint-Petersburg University Boris Mironov carries a title of "the most contested historian". A speech in which he, with figures and economic calculations, proved that it was not the extreme difficulties of Russia's economy and social life that provoked the revolution, but, on the contrary, caused these extraordinary difficulties, aroused great interest and many questions.

The November issue of “Rodina” is not accidentally published as "published for the first time". Here such a heading can be attributed to most of the materials - whether it is a question of the personal model of Leon Trotsky's "demon of revolution" by the artist Yuri Annenkov, or about the Soviet five-year plans, which were invented not by the leaders of the USSR, but, as it appears from the memoirs of the last Minister of Finance Petr Bark, Emperor Nicholas II…

The permanent author of the journal, the invariable leader of the rubric "Relics of the Motherland", the candidate of cultural studies Viktor Faibisovich told about one of the rarities of the Hermitage - a portrait of Empress Elizaveta Alekseevna, which was overthrown together with the Provisional Government. The author of the canvas, the Frenchwoman Marie Vigee-Lebrun, who came to Russia, brought a revolution in women's fashion, and later - in the ceremonial portrayal of crowned persons. This precious canvas almost died in the storming of the Winter Palace.

The deputy editor-in-chief of the journal, Doctor of Philosophy, Semyon Ekshtut, concluded his speech with the usual appeal: "Read "Rodina"- the magazine of the latest news about the past!". And as it became clear from the further discussion, this call has already listened to a lot of our fellow citizens and all who are interested in Russian history abroad. It is no coincidence that today the circulation of “Rodina” is more than 20 thousand copies.

 Readers from Washington asked Russian historians about their assessment of the results of the revolution, the degree of its influence on the social and economic situation of other countries, and the development of avant-garde art. Schoolchildren from Yekaterinburg asked why it was the private life of the imperial court that became the center of attention of researchers and artists. Readers from the village of Novopokrovskaya of the Krasnodar Territory asked to pay more attention to the events of regional history: after all, it was created not only in the capitals. It is noteworthy that the village, which is located two hundred kilometers from the regional center, for the first time connected to the online presentation of the magazine. A creative team of journalists from the “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” worked there, and not only local historians, museologists, archivists, librarians, but also representatives of all branches of power came to the presentation of the “Rodina” magazine to the Arkady Perventsev Literary and Historical Museum.

The multimedia exhibition "The Year of “Rodina", which was launched in the foyer of the Presidential Library, was also timed to the exit of the jubilee issue: here readers could clearly see the covers of the published issues of the magazine and quotes from the most interesting materials.

At the end of the meeting, the membership cards of the Historical Club of the “Rodina” were solemnly presented to the Director General of the Presidential Library Alexander Vershinin, Doctor of History, Professor of St. Petersburg State University Boris Mironov, Head of the New Arrivals Department of the Hermitage Viktor Faibisovich and Director of the North-West branch of “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” Angelica Gurskaya.