The Presidential Library keeps accepting entries for the “Foreign View” multimedia competition

4 December 2017

The Presidential Library continues accepting entries for the “Foreign View” annual international multimedia competition. Participants can submit their photographs and videos up to January 15, 2018. Information about this project of the Presidential Library is available on

As we speak, the entries have already been accepted from 18 countries, including China, the USA, France, Norway, and Greece. Russia is represented by residents of 54 cities of the Far East, the Urals, Siberia, the Crimea, the Northwest and other regions of the country.

It stands to mention that for the first time, apart from photographs, videos are also accepted for the competition. Among the authors of this year’s works there are both laypersons and professional directors: the jury will review as documentary chronicles from family archives, so professionally shot and cut video clips about traveling the world. Photographs and videos can be also uploaded with the hashtag #foreignview2017.

This year, the “Ecology of Life” is chosen a slogan of the “Foreign View” competition, since a theme of the beauty of the surrounding world and rasing awareness of caring attitude to the nature by the means of art is close to many. It has no geographical or age boundaries.

According to the terms and conditions of the multimedia competition, anyone can participate in it, uploading his works online in particular nominations. The main requirement of the competition — the works have to be created by the Russians, focusing on the abroad, or by the foreigners, focusing on Russia.

Organizers of the contest traditionally tried to cover the most relevant subjects that have a wide response. The “Ecology of Life” nomination of the same with the competition name is dedicated to genre photographs showing an influence of a person on the environment, the part and place of people in protecting the ecological balance. The “Forbidden Land” nomination is meant for photographs of the unique natural monuments, sanctuaries, reserves, and the national parks. The life of wild animals in their natural habitat will be revealed in the “Miracles of the Wildlife” nomination, and “Magic Macrocosm” will demonstrate the secrets of nature through a macrophotography.

Traditionally, the “Foreign View” competition includes a geographical nomination. In 2017, it is dedicated to Switzerland and includes landscape pictures taken in this country. Often the best shots in the travel are taken from the mobile devices. A winner in this nomination is decided within open voting.

In addition, this year the Presidential Library offered a special nomination “The Ball of Victory,” which is timed to coincide with the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia. To participate the authors need to submit the images and videos of famous football commentators, players, matches’ highlights, entire stadiums and other stories about football. Photographs and videos portraying nonprofessional and children’s competitions and street football are very welcome.

Photographs and videos taken within a groundwork on and leading the FIFA 2018 World Cup, the FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 and other football competitions, reflecting the development of the infrastructure of Russian cities, also applicable. Pictures of football fans are of particular interest. Unusual costumes, color schemes of the beloved teams and bright make-ups — all this draws attention of millions of camera lens every year.

Apart from winning in certain nomination, a task set for each author in this project is also joining the world community, which annually creates for the future generations digital annals of the brightest events of our time. The best pictures of the participants will be included in the photo album, which, along with the best videos, will add to the electronic fund of the Presidential Library. Materials sent to the multimedia contest become a part of exhibitions on various cultural venues of the country.

The “Foreign View” multimedia competition is made possible with the support of the Russian Geographical Society and ROSKINO.