Multimedia lesson for schoolchildren in the A. K. Yugov Kurgan Regional Universal Scientific Library

30 November 2017

On the eve of the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Kurgan region (to be celebrated in 2018) on November 29, 2017 the A. K. Yugov Kurgan Regional Universal Scientific Library hosted for pupils of the school № 29 in the city of Kurgan a multimedia lesson “Kurgan region: Pages of History”. During the lesson, the pupils learned the main stages of the formation of the Kurgan region, the history of the creation of regional symbols: the emblem and the flag.

In addition, the pupils got familiar with the Presidential Library and its resources, studied the regional collection presented on the portal. The schoolchildren who participated in the event became readers of the Presidential Library.

The Kurgan region is represented in the Presidential Library by the collection "Kurgan Region: Pages of History". The collection includes studies, statistical essays, archival documents, cartographic and photographic materials of the XIX - beginning of the XXI century, characterizing the administrative, socio-economic, geographical position of the Kurgan and Shadrinsky districts, the territory of which forms the basis of the modern Kurgan region.