Governor of the Chelyabinsk region visited the Presidential Library

22 December 2017

December 22, 2017, the Governor of the Chelyabinsk region B. A. Dubrovsky visited the Presidential Library.

The governor was held an excursion through the Presidential Library. A working meeting was held with the Director General of the Presidential Library A. P. Vershinin. Issues of current and future cooperation were discussed during the meeting.

On the same day, a solemn ceremony of signing an agreement on cooperation between the Presidential Library and the Chelyabinsk region was held. The ceremony was also attended by the deputy governor of the Chelyabinsk region V. M. Yevdokimov, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Governor and the Government of the Chelyabinsk region D. N. Fedechkin, director of the N. I. Diskaya Chelyabinsk Regional Universal Scientific Library, the specialists of the Presidential Library.

The relationship between the Presidential Library and the Chelyabinsk region has been developing since 2010. The Chelyabinsk Regional Universal Scientific Library is actively cooperating with the Presidential Library.