In 2018 dozens of organizations will participate in the formation of the Presidential Library electronic fund

19 February 2018

In the coming 2018, more than 20 fund-holding organizations, including libraries, archives, museums, educational and research organizations, are expected to be involved in the formation of the Presidential Library electronic fund. The list of documents included in a single list for digitization is extensive: books, brochures, collections of documents, periodicals, compilations of reference and bibliographic nature, encyclopedias, as well as official, statistical, local history documents. The list also includes inventories of antiquities, rarities of museum storage and private collections, exhibition catalogs and so on.

Throughout the existence of the Presidential Library archival materials prevailed over other storage units. This year the number of archival scans - 3 million 534 thousand - will exceed the number of planned digital copies of library publications by almost a million.

Formation of the archive segment of the Presidential Library electronic fund is based on the results of the analysis of the funds of the leading state federal and regional archives, the compliance with the Acquisition Profile, and also on the results of the joint discussion of the acquisition plans with the leading specialists of the Russian State Historical Archive and the State Archives of the Russian Federation. As in previous years, digitization will be conducted in two directions: continuation of work on already scanned funds and digitization of new funds. Thus, for example, it will be continued the digitization of RGIA facility "Cabinet of architect Montferrand, collection (1819-1827)", which consists of the unique materials of construction years 1820-1918 Isaac Cathedral, Alexander Column monument and Emperor Nicholas I in St. Petersburg. For the first time, the Scanning Commission of the Commission for the Transformation of the Police will be scanned. It combines police reform projects in Russia; Journal and aide-memoire of the Editorial Commission on Police Reform on the nature of the proposed changes and the scheme of the organization of police in Russia; a brief description of the areas for which the police reform was projected; Regulations on the states of the county police by provinces; materials about the city and county police, sent for information, on the organization of police in other countries and much more.

The list of personal funds of the ministers of the Interior of the Russian Empire-the chairmen of the committee of ministers and the council of ministers, ministers of justice of the Russian Empire, ministers of public education completes the list of documents of the RGIA. The Presidential Library, housed in the reconstructed walls of the Synod, will digitize personal funds of the Synod chief procurators P. P. Izvolsky, S. D. Nechaev and A. D. Obolensky in the coming year.

The archives have their own libraries, their collections are unique and also worthy of entering the fund of the Presidential Library. In the new year will begin digitizing stored in the State Archive Fund of the Scientific Library of the collection "Memory of the Royal Martyrs", dedicated to the memory of Emperor Nicholas II and his family, published in Sofia in 1933, and the Paris book by P. Gilliard 1921 edition "The tragic fate of the Russian imperial family" . The list of books of the emigrant press, proposed for digitization for 2018, is also impressive. It contains, in particular, the famous diptych of V. Korsak "The Reds" and "The Whites", published in Paris in 1931.

Large electronic scientific and specialized libraries - the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian State Public Historical Library, the Central Naval Library - will be enlisted to complete the electronic fund. Among the new partners of the Presidential Library are Voyekov Main Geophysical Observatory, the Central Department for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Museum of Urban Electric Transport, the Institute of Plant Industry, the State Museum-Reserve "Gatchina". The cooperation, which can already be called fruitful from the first steps –with the Scientific Library of the Russian Geographical Society will be continued.

Effective partnership relations are developing with the central libraries of the subjects of the Russian Federation: the Samara, Penza, Chelyabinsk Regional Universal Scientific Libraries and the State Unitary Enterprise of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. When forming the list for 2018, materials from six libraries of the Republic of Crimea were used: the Franco Crimean Republican Universal Scientific Library (Simferopol); the Evpatoria Centralized Library System; the Centralized Library System of the Municipal Formation "City district of Feodosia of the Republic of Crimea"; The Greene Central City Library (Theodosius); the Kerch Centralized Library System; The Gasprinsky Republican Crimean Tatar Library (Simferopol) and the Yalta Centralized Library System.

The volume of library materials in 2018 should increase by 2 million 585 thousand scans, which is more than the planned indicators of 2017.

The Tomsk State University, the Boris Yeltsin Ural Federal University, the Pushkin State University of Leningrad, the St. Petersburg State University, the Kazan (Privolzhsky) State University, the Russian State Pedagogical University, the Naval University Academy of Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov are among the higher educational institutions.

In total in 2018, about 70 thousand items of storage with a volume of at least 6 million scans will be digitized.