Opening of the electronic reading room of the Presidential Library in School № 107 of Barnaul

2 February 2018

January 31, the solemn opening of the electronic reading room of the Presidential Library took place in the Altai Territory on the basis of the secondary general school № 107 of Barnaul. This event, important for the education system of Altai Krai, was made possible by the Federal Targeted Program for the Development of Education for 2016-2020. The opening of the electronic reading room took place in the framework of the project "Scientific and methodological support for the implementation of the Concept for the Development of School Library and Information Centers in the Altai Territory", curated by the Ministry of Education of the Altai Territory and the Altai Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Educators.

The opening was attended by representatives of the pedagogical community, heads of educational organizations of the city of Barnaul. The welcoming speech was made by the rector of the Altai Institute of Advanced Training of Educators Maxim Aleksandrovich Kostenko, the head of the regional center of the Presidential Library, acting on the basis of the Shishkov Altai Regional Universal Scientific Library, Natalia Vladimirovna Popova, the director of school № 107 of the city of Barnaul Galina Nikolayevna Malko. All the speakers noted the importance for the educational and educational potential of schools in the Altai Territory of the possibility of open access to the information resources of the Presidential Library - the world's largest electronic book fund on the history of Russian statehood, which has a scientific and educational significance.

In the near future, it is planned to open remote electronic reading rooms of the Presidential Library in six educational districts of the Altai Territory: on the basis of the schools of Aleysk, Biysk, Zarinsk, Rubtsovsk, Kamen-na-Obi, Slavgorod.

On the Presidential Library portal Altai Territory is represented by the collection "Altai Territory: Pages of History". The proposed selection includes studies, essays, surveys and reports reflecting various aspects (geographic, socioeconomic, socio-political, etc.) of the history of the Altai Territory during the late XIX - first third of the XX century, as well as the current Charter of the Altai Territory.