The finalists of the Presidential Library Olympiad are determined

8 February 2018

The second qualifying stage of the interactive Olympiad for schoolchildren in history, social studies and the Russian language "Russia in the Electronic World" has been completed in the Presidential Library. 192 pupils from 44 regions of Russia reached the finals. The majority of finalists come from Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Tyumen and Penza regions. The success also accompanied high school students from the Altai Territory, Tula, Tambov, Orel and other regions.

More than 5200 schoolchildren from 85 regions of Russia, as well as seven foreign countries - Algeria, Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan took part in the Olympiad, which has been held for the eighth time. The final, full-time stage of the Olympiad will be held from March 13 to 15, 2018 in the Presidential Library in St. Petersburg, in its branch in the Tyumen region, as well as on the sites of the remote electronic reading rooms of the Presidential Library in other cities of our country. The tasks of the final stage suppose not only the profound knowledge of the educational material on discipline, but also suggest oozing intelligence and non-ordinary thinking of the participants. The key to success lies in the active use of the Presidential Library's collections, which contains copies of unique audio- and video materials, archival materials, rare book editions and etc. Methodological support is provided by the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia.

The Olympiad "Russia in the Electronic World" in history and social science is included in the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 30.08.2017 № 866 "On the approval of the list of schoolchildren's Olympiads and their levels for the 2017/2018 academic year" as the level II Olympiad that gives it winners and prize-awardees the right of preferential admission to universities of Russia. In addition, participants who will take medal places on the "Russian language" discipline will be granted with additional points upon admission to the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia.

Detailed information on participation in the interactive school Olympiad in history, social studies and the Russian language "Russia in the Electronic World" is available at To participate in the project, please, contact the working group of the Olympiad: (812) 305-16-51, о