The Day of the Diplomatic Worker in the Omsk Regional Center

9 February 2018

February 9, 2018 in the regional center of the Presidential Library, acting on the basis of the Pushkin Omsk State Regional Scientific Library, a solemn event dedicated to the Day of the Diplomatic Worker, took place.

The Omsk Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was congratulated on a professional holiday by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Omsk region Vladimir Kompaneishchikov, Deputy Mayor of the City Bogdan Masan, Deputy Chairman of the Omsk City Council Andrei Tkachuk and other honored guests.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov addressed the guests with a video greeting.

Representative office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia in Omsk actively interacts with the governor and the government of the Omsk region on issues of international activity of the region. Large joint work with the city administration is carried out to strengthen and develop international and foreign economic relations with foreign regions and twin cities.

The Omsk region is represented by the collection "The Omsk region: pages of history". The proposed selection includes studies, essays, reviews and reports, archival documents, visual and audio materials, reflecting certain aspects of the socio-economic,