The memory of Alexander Pushkin was honored in Chisinau

13 February 2018

At the weekend, a number of events dedicated to the Memorial Day of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin was held at the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Chisinau.

February 9, RCSC staff took part in a videoconference organized by the Presidential Library. The RCSC was visited by Pushkin scholars, staff of the Pushkin Chisinau House-Museum and students of the Moscow Lyceum bearing the name of the great poet. Olga Bataeva, curator of the Pushkin audience, delivered her report "On the Preservation of Pushkin's Heritage on the Moldovan Land.

On the same day, the Pushkin audience of the RCSC invited all the admirers of Alexander Pushkin to the evening "And his remembrance will be nice to me ...", timed to the 181st anniversary of the poet's death. The documentary film "Cotillion prince" was offered to the attention of the guests. The film, which tells about the previously unknown facts of the duel of Pushkin and Dantes, was made in Paris, Amboise, St. Petersburg with the participation of prominent Pushkin scholars and cultural figures of Russia and France, and was met with great interest by the public.

The second part of the evening was dedicated to another significant date, celebrated on February 10 - the 70th anniversary of the opening of the Pushkin House-Museum in Chisinau. Olga Bataeva on the materials of the slide show told about the history of the museum and its creators, about cooperation with Russian Pushkin museums and assistance from the Russian embassy and RCSC.

February 10, the RCSC and the Russian community of Moldova organized a solemn ceremony of laying flowers at the monument to Alexander Pushkin in the central city park of Chisinau. The deputies of the Parliament of Moldova, heads of public organizations of compatriots, representatives of youth organizations, students of city lyceums came to pay tribute to the memory of the poet.

The Presidential Library portal features electronic collection “Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837)”. It includes digital copies of books, articles, archival documents, abstracts of dissertations, video films, graphic and other materials devoted to the life and work of the poet and the state's activity in preserving the memory of him.

A digital copy of the Charter, awarded by Emperor Alexander I to the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, which played a significant role in the formation of Alexander Pushkin, is presented among the materials of the collection. A great place in the collection belongs to articles from periodicals of the pre-revolutionary period, allowing you to see how the attitude towards the poet and his work has changed over time.


According to the portal