The Presidential Library resources for the whole family were presented in Penza

13 February 2018

February 10, 2018, on the basis of the Lermontov Library in Penza, the regional parental meeting on the theme "The family as a safe environment for the development of children and adolescents" was held. The event was held by the Ministry of Education of the Penza region and the Institute for Regional Development. Participants were parents of schoolchildren from all districts of the region, representatives of municipal educational authorities, as well as teachers, psychologists, social educators and class teachers.

As part of the event, the staff of the Penza Regional Center of the Presidential Library informed everyone about the Olympiad "Russia in the Electronic World" before the beginning of the meeting. The Olympiad is held in separate subjects: the history of Russia, social science and the Russian language. Senior students can try their hand at each of the subjects or choose the one in which they feel themselves stronger. The Olympiad is held with the purpose of addressing students to sources on the history of our country, the theory and practice of Russian statehood. The maximum answers to certain questions can be given to participants by accessing electronic sources available through the portal of the Presidential Library.

In the regional center, high school students can get familiar with rare books, archival documents, encyclopedias, as well as find the necessary information in educational publications on the history of Russia, the Russian language and geography. Junior students can take part in the game "From the hand-written book to the electronic" and to learn the history of writing and book printing.