The Presidential Library and the Russian Engineering Union of Russia agreed on cooperation

1 March 2018

The Presidential Library and the St. Petersburg Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization "The Russian Engineering Union" signed an agreement on cooperation aimed at developing the national and world culture, science and education, preserving and popularizing the historical and cultural heritage of Russia. The key point of the document is the implementation of coordinated actions to promote the history of scientific and educational organizations, enterprises, individual industries of domestic industry, as well as outstanding personalities in the field of science, education and production activities. An agreement on organizing joint scientific conferences, seminars, working meetings and other events, promoting educational and educational activities was also signed.

The topic of domestic engineering is represented in the library's fund by a large number of fine materials, rare books and archival cases. In addition, the Presidential Library features the electronic collection "The Russian State and Economy", which materials reflects the development of domestic and foreign trade, the specific features of Russia's agrarian and industrial development, the activities of state bodies in the sphere of economy and finance, changes in the economic life of the Soviet era, including during the Great Patriotic War, as well as the current state of the Russian economy.

During a recent visit to the Presidential Library, the representatives of the St. Petersburg RO OOO “SoyuzMash” got familiar with its information resources and expressed interest in transferring to the library for digitization of historical and modern materials, as well as museum and exhibition items with a view to perpetuating them in history.