Brest schoolchildren visited the exhibition dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad

1 March 2018

In continuation of the project dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad, pupils of Brest schools visited the exhibition "Stalingrad: 200 Days of Courage" elaborated by the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Brest.

Senior pupils of the school № 8 named after Hero of Belarus V. N. Karvat and pupils of the military-patriotic class of the borderline school № 31 got familiar with the exposition.

During the tour the pupils learned a lot about the heroic deed of the Red Army in the bloodiest battle of the Great Patriotic War. Brest schoolchildren learned about the courage of the fighters who defended Stalingrad, using the example of Y. F. Pavlov, M. V. Koroleva, V. G. Zaitsev. Children discussed the feat of their peers, who along with adults participated in the defence of the city on the Volga. The young border guards were especially struck by the fact that the youngest defender of Stalingrad was only six years old. Senior pupils, in turn, demonstrated their knowledge of the high command of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War.

During the discussion, the schoolchildren made an important conclusion: it depends on them as the bearers of historical memory that the coming generations will know about the exploit of the peoples of the Soviet Union.

The Presidential Library portal features the collection "Memory of the Great Victory", where a lot of electronic materials devoted to the Battle of Stalingrad are collected: a video chronicle, memoirs of the participants of the events, the issues of the "Stalingradskay Pravda" for 1942-1943; here are also presented rare books, posters of war time, photos of the memorial on the Malakhov Kurgan and much more.


According to the portal