Film screening timed to the Wildlife Day was held in the Presidential Library

2 March 2018

The Presidential Library hosted a regular cinema club meeting dedicated to the World Wildlife Day, where scientist Pavel Glazkov, video blogger, was invited to. There were no free seats in the room, because the author is well-known to a part of active Internet users as a researcher and commentator of the wildlife world and its inhabitants - not exotic, but our habitual inhabitants of the Leningrad region. Viewing and discussion of three short films by Glazkov, the author and leading video blog "Two of every animal", the founder of the project "New Zoological Museum", candidate of Biological Sciences, caused a lot of positive emotions and a lot of questions.

"We, scientists, always go on that day in the audience, relying on purely scientific data, to show the beauty of our region and its inhabitants", Pavel Glazkov said, anticipating the viewing. - Man - the only representative of the animal world, which deliberately harms nature. And in order to prevent this from happening, people must learn and love animals. The purpose of my "blogging enlightenment" is precisely in this".

Glazkov's films combine scientific certainty and fascinating narration about animals that live in the Leningrad region.

The first film is dedicated to the Great Cormorant. Six species of these birds live on the territory of Russia (large, Japanese, crested, bering, red-faced and small), among which the most numerous is the large cormorant, who lives in our region on the banks of Vuoksi. The oldest bird that adorns the planet for millions of years is a skillful fisher diver, it can immerse itself to a depth of 10 meters in search of food for itself and its offspring. Its feathers have the ability to soak in water, the weight increases significantly, and it falls to the bottom like a stone ...

The film shows ancient engravings, on which Chinese fishermen catch fish, using not ordinary fishing rods and hooks, but ... cormorants. To do this, a leather ring was put on their necks, giving the opportunity to dive and return with prey, but not allowing it to be swallowed. This method of fishing in the Middle Kingdom is sometimes used up to now.

The second film tells about the extraordinary abilities of the Ivanovo firefly, which usually appears in our region in June. It seems unbelievable that during the First World War, soldiers fished and used fireflies at night.

The third film shows the bright beauty of white storks, whose habitat in recent years in the Leningrad region is expanding. Nests from one to three meters in height, they build on the empty water towers. During migration white female stork often fly to Spain, and males - to South Africa, resting on the road in Sudan from one to six months.

In the new season, two more meetings with Pavel Glazkov and his interesting works will take place at the Presidential Library cinema club.