To the 100th anniversary of the State Archival Service of Russia - a new multimedia exhibition-presentation of the Presidential Library
From March 7 to 21, 2018, a multimedia exhibition-presentation dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the State Archival Service of Russia was opened in the Presidential Library. The Main Directorate of Archival Affairs (GUAD or Glavarkhiv) under the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR was established on June 1, 1918 by the Decree "On the reorganization and centralization of the archives", since then this organization has pursued a single archival policy in our country.
On the plasma panels of the gallery of the first floor, visitors of the exhibition can get familiar with unique historical documents, such as the passport of the famous Russian diplomat K. K. Benckendorff, the letter of Catherine II, the orders of the Tobolsk Military Revolutionary Committee, the Regulations on the elections to the Constituent Assembly of 1917 and many others .
The Presidential Library has a direct relation to the archives, not only in the nature of its activities. From 1925 to 2006 in the historical complex of buildings of the Senate and the Synod was housed the Russian State Historical Archive, which today is located in a building specially built for it. The Archive is one of the key partners of the Presidential Library in the field of fund acquisition, exhibition and scientific activities.
The storage of archival documents is a feature of the Presidential Library electronic fund. Today they make up more than half of the total volume, this is about 320 thousand units of storage.
The Presidential Library as a nation-wide electronic storage of digital copies of the most important documents on the history of Russian statehood has close ties with the leading archives of the country. Partnership agreements have been concluded with the following institutions: the State Archive of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Historical Archive, the Archives Department of the Leningrad region, the Leningrad Regional State Archives in Vyborg, the State Archives of the Tyumen region.
To visit the exposition, you should first pre-register by phone (812) 334-25-14 or send an email to: excursion@prlib.ru.