Young people discussed the future of Europe at the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Belgrade

28 March 2018

The 42nd regional meeting of the European Youth Parliament of Serbia (EYPS) was held at the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Belgrade.

About 150 young people from Serbia and other European countries attended the meeting. Young parliamentarians discussed topical issues of politics, public life, economics and culture.

In addition to the development and personal growth of participants, their acquisition of communication skills with the audience, the meeting's tasks included familiarity of young people with the principles of decision-making in the European Parliament.

The meeting of EYPS can serve as an example of a communication platform for conducting social and humanitarian discussions that play an important role in building confidence, increasing mutual understanding, creating conditions for dialogue, free from anti-Russian stereotypes, which is extremely necessary for the development of Russia's cooperation with European countries.

The European Youth Parliament of Serbia is a non-governmental organization founded in 2006. The Serbian parliament is included in it along with several dozens of other representations in various European cities.

The electronic collection "Russia - Serbia: from the history of relationship" is presented on the Presidential Library portal. The collection of books and archival documents presented in it tells about the history of Serbia from ancient times, and also reflects the relationship between Serbia and Russia in the military, economic and cultural spheres.


According to the portal