The Presidential Library hosted a webinar on cultural achievements in Russia at the end of the XX century and the beginning of the XXI century

28 March 2018

The Presidential Library hosted an informational and methodical webinar on the theme "The main achievements of culture, art and literature in the Russian Federation (late XX - early XXI century)". Cultural experts and art historians of the Russian Institute of Art History, researchers of the Presidential Library, literary critics attended it. Employees of libraries of Crimea participated in the work of the webinar on video-conference communication.

In his opening speech the host of the webinar, the director of RIII, Doctor of Philosophy, professor, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Alexander Kazin noted that the reunion of Crimea with Russia is the highest achievement of recent years, which cannot but affect the progress and flowering of the country and its culture. In detail, he dwelled on such areas of art as classical, modern and postmodern. It is to the classical tradition, in his opinion, that the "Farewell to Matyora" by Valentin Rasputin and the "Unholy Saints" of Archimandrite Tikhon Shevkunov - "one of the best works of Russian documentary prose" belong to.

Oksana Gubareva, Candidate of Culturology, a senior researcher in the sector of topical problems of contemporary art culture of RIII, made a presentation on the theme of modern Russian fine art. She outlined the trends in contemporary painting and architecture, where street art is increasingly prominent, its special feature is the use of inner city territories for various kinds of art-projects.

Georgy Kovalevsky, Candidate of Art Criticism, a researcher of the RIII music sector, reviewed works of high spiritual sound by the example of contemporary composers such as Sergei Slonimsky and Rodion Shchedrin.

Poet, literary critic, deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine "Rodnaya Ladoga" Valentina Efimovskaya emphasized in her speech on classical poetry as a poetry of foresight.

Summing up the webinar, its Crimean participants expressed pleasure in this virtual meeting, and invited those present in the hall of the Presidential Library to visit Crimea.