The Presidential Library hosted a video lecture dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Archival Service of Russia

29 March 2018

The Presidential Library hosted a video lecture entitled "The History of the State Archival Service of Russia" timed to the 100th anniversary of the archival service of Russia. The specialists from the Reserve Center of the Presidential Library in Moscow, the Pushkin Tambov Regional Universal Scientific Library and students of the Derzhavin Tambov State University participated in the event through the video-conferencing mode. The audience of the Presidential Library in St. Petersburg consisted of archivists, historians and students of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Polytechnic College of Municipal Economy.

"Archival work is the historical core of our existence", - Sergei Chernyavsky, director of the Russian State Historical Archive, noted in his speech. - Its origins go back to Kievan Rus’, to Moscow Rus’, to the time of Peter I: the very word "archive" first appears in one of the imperial Regulations of 1720. But, of course, the bulk of our documents are archive materials of the late XVIII - early XX centuries. Today you can get familiar with them not only "internally", but also thanks to remote access to the electronic copies of documents in the archive. And then without the help of the Presidential Library, without its scanning devices, it would be difficult for us to do with it. We have been working together for eight years now, the result is 230 thousand digitized storage units".

The participants listened with interest to the lecture by Tatiana Khorhordina, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the History and Archives Department of the Archives Department of the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State Humanitarian University, on the topic "To the 100th Anniversary of the State Archival Service: the Essence of the Archival Reform of 1918 and Its modern thinking". When the Soviet government replaced the monarchy, huge bonfires flared up all over the cities and towns: the tsarist secret police and the power ministries burned their archives. The academic world of Russia began to take urgent measures to stop this "archival devastation". The Union of Russian Archival Figures was created, which came up with the requirements of control and centralization in the archival field, because before that all the provincial archives were departmental, and they were disposed of by officials at their own discretion. On June 1, 1918, a decree on the reform of the archive file was issued.

The Presidential Library has a direct relationship to the archives, not only in the nature of its activities. From 1925 to 2006 in the historical complex of buildings of the Senate and the Synod was housed the Russian State Historical Archive, which today is located in a building specially built for it. The Archive is one of the key partners of the Presidential Library in the field of fund acquisition, exhibition and scientific activities.

The storage of archival documents is a feature of the Electronic Fund of the Presidential Library. Today they make up more than half of the total volume, this is about 320 thousand units of storage.

The Presidential Library as a nation-wide electronic storage of digital copies of the most important documents on the history of Russian statehood has close ties with the leading archives of the country. Cooperation agreements have been concluded with the State Archive of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Historical Archives, the Archive Department of the Leningrad region, the Leningrad Regional State Archive in Vyborg and the State Archive of the Tyumen region.