The Presidential Library’s New Edition
The Presidential Library has completed to translate into Russian the main documents of the METS standard (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard).
METS is a specification for encoding and data transmission in the XML language, developed under the auspices and with the financial support of the Digital Library Federation. METS provides a framework for encoding all types of metadata for a digital object and provides functions for storing, transmitting digital objects, presenting them to users. All METS documentation is posted on the website of the Library of Congress.
The translation was implemented by the specialists of the Presidential Library in conjunction with the editorial board of METS. A print edition has been prepared, which includes translations of the actual versions for December 2017: "METS: brief description and user's guide", "METS: initial guide and quick reference" (METS Primer), "METS Schema". All these translations, as well as the XML schema METS (in XSD format) and documentation for the scheme in Russian (in HTML format) will be posted on the portal of the Presidential Library. By agreement with the editorial board of METS, translations will be also published on the website of the Library of Congress.
The Presidential Library plans to implement the METS standard. Please, send your proposals and comments related to the application of the standard to e-mail selivanova@prlib.ru.