The Russian Civil War

The Russian Civil War

Telegram N. D. Avksentieva and A. Kruglikov former representative of the royal government in Copenhagen on the establishment of the Interim All-Russian government in Ufa

Tchaikovsky Nikolai Vasilyevich, a member of the revolutionary movement of the 1870s, the Creator of the Tchaiktsev Society, a member of the Socialist Revolutionaries Party, Head of the Supreme Department of the Northern Region, Head of the Provisional Government of the Northern Region, a member of the South Russian government under the general A. I. Denikin.Telegram N. D. Avksentieva and A. Kruglikova to the former representative of the royal government in Copenhagen on the establishment of the Interim All-Russian government in Ufa.
Государственный архив Российской Федерации

Provisional military agreement on the organization of the Bashkir armed forces between the committee of members of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly and the authorized government of Bashkortostan of September 5, 1918; resolution of the regional congress of Bashkiristan on the All-Russian Federation

Committee members of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly (komuch). Samara.
Provisional military agreement on the organization of the Bashkir armed forces between the committee of members of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly and the authorized government of Bashkortostan of September 5, 1918; the decision of the regional congress of Bashkiristan about the all-Russian federation.

Reports on the political status of the surveyed reserve battalions, the situation in Baku, the Caucasus and the Southern Front, a memorandum, protocols, resolutions and other materials on the state of the Bashkir army and its transfer to the side of the Red Army

Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Reports on the political condition of the surveyed reserve battalions, the situation in Baku, the Caucasus and the Southern Front, a memorandum, protocols, resolutions and other materials on the state of the Bashkir army and its transfer to the side of the Red Army.