Social involvement
Social involvement
Materials on the history of the Bashkir ASSR..... Ch. 1. Bashkir uprisings in the XVII and the first half of the XVIII centuries.
Materials on the history of the Bashkir ASSR.Moscow: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1936;Leningrad.Part 1: Bashkir uprisings in the XVII and the first half of the XVIII centuries.1936.
Челябинская ОУНБ
- The Bashkir rebellion of 1735-1740
The Bashkir uprising of 1739-1740.
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Bashkir Uprising 1755-1756
Bashkir uprising 1755-1756 years there is NO BW. 2008.The uprising of 1755 in Bashkortostan
Chuloshnikov, Alexander Petrovich. The uprising of 1755 in Bashkortostan. M.: Izd-vo Acad. Sciences of the USSR, 1940; L. - The Peasant War of 1773-1775 led by Yemelyan Pugachev
The revolt of Emelian Pugachev
Emelian Pugachev's revolt.
L .: OGIZ. Sotsakgiz. Leningr. Deposition, 1935.Materials for the history of the Pugachev revolt
Grotto, Jacob Karlovich (1812-1893). Materials for the history of the Pugachev revolt.
St. Petersburg: type. Imp. Acad. Sciences, 1876.Pugachev and his accomplices. T. 1
Dubrovin, Nikolai Fedorovich (1837-1904). Pugachev and his accomplices. T. 1. St. Petersburg: type. I.N. Skorokhodova, 1884.Pugachev and his accomplices. T. 2
Dubrovin, Nikolai Fedorovich (1837-1904). Pugachev and his accomplices. T. 2.
St. Petersburg: Printing House I. N. Skorokhodova, 1884.Pugachev and his accomplices. T. 3
Dubrovin, Nikolai Fedorovich (1837-1904). Pugachev and his accomplices. T. 3.
St. Petersburg: type. I.N. Skorokhodova, 1884.Emelyan Pugachev in the Lower Volga Region
Emelyan Pugachev in the Lower Volga Region.
Stalingrad: Regional Book Publishing, 1937. - The Revolution of 1905-1907
1905 in Bashkortostan
Raimov, Rif Mukhsinovich (doctor of historical sciences, 1904-1953). 1905 in Bashkortostan. Moscow: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1941; Leningrad. - The February Revolution of 1917
Revolutionary past. No. 1
Revolutionary past. Ufa: typo-lithograph of Bashprom "October Onslaught", 1923.
No. 1. 1923.Telegrams from Armenians, Bashkir, Buryat, Georgians and other non-Russian peoples inhabited by Russia, who came to the Chairman of the State Duma of the Fourth convocation, with greetings about the overthrow of the autocracy and the requirements of the Constituent Assembly
State Duma I, II, III and IV conveners.Russia.The State Duma.Convening (4).Telegrams from Armenians, Bashkir, Buryat, Georgians and other non-Russian peoples inhabited by Russia, who came to the Chairman of the State Duma of the Fourth Conversion, with greetings about the overthrow of the autocracy and the requirements of the convening of the Constituent Assembly, the abolition of the estate, national and religious restrictions, amnesties political prisoners andOther.Telegram from the city of Meleuz of the Ufa province on the support of counter -revolutionary measures of the Provisional Government, aimed at defeating the July demonstration of workers and soldiers in Petrograd
Chancellery of the Minister-Chairman of the Provisional Government.A telegram from the city of Meleuz of the Ufa province on the support of counter -revolutionary measures of the Provisional Government, aimed at defeating the July demonstration of workers and soldiers in Petrograd. - The October Revolution of 1917
The struggle for the power of the Soviets in Bashkortostan in 1917
Александров, Феофан Александрович (канд. ист. наук; 1910-1970). Борьба за власть советов в Башкирии в 1917 году. Уфа : Башкирское государственное издательство, 1951.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахBashkiria in the struggle for October
Гужвенко, Г. И.Башкирия в борьбе за Октябрь. Уфа : Башгосиздат, 1941. - The Constituent Assembly of 1918
Lists of candidates for the Constituent Assembly for Ufa Province
Russia (1917, February-October). Commission for Elections to the Constituent Assembly. Lists of candidates for the Constituent Assembly for the Ufa province. 19 -.Correspondence with the Ufa District Committee on Elections to the Constituent Assembly by the Commission
Russia (1917, February-October). Commission for Elections to the Constituent Assembly. Correspondence with the Ufa District Committee on Elections to the Constituent Assembly by the commission. 19 -.Lists of members of the precinct election commission for the elections to the Constituent Assembly for the Ufa province
Russia (1917, February-October). Commission for Elections to the Constituent Assembly. Lists of members of the precinct election commission for the elections to the Constituent Assembly for the Ufa province. 19 -. - The Russian Civil War
Distance traveled
Distance traveled.Ufa: Typo-Litography "October onslaught", 1927.Participation of Bashkirs in the white movement (1917-1920).
Participation of Bashkirs in the white movement (1917-1920). 2007.Telegram N. D. Avksentieva and A. Kruglikov former representative of the royal government in Copenhagen on the establishment of the Interim All-Russian government in Ufa
Tchaikovsky Nikolai Vasilyevich, a member of the revolutionary movement of the 1870s, the Creator of the Tchaiktsev Society, a member of the Socialist Revolutionaries Party, Head of the Supreme Department of the Northern Region, Head of the Provisional Government of the Northern Region, a member of the South Russian government under the general A. I. Denikin.Telegram N. D. Avksentieva and A. Kruglikova to the former representative of the royal government in Copenhagen on the establishment of the Interim All-Russian government in Ufa.Provisional military agreement on the organization of the Bashkir armed forces between the committee of members of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly and the authorized government of Bashkortostan of September 5, 1918; resolution of the regional congres
Committee members of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly (komuch). Samara.
Provisional military agreement on the organization of the Bashkir armed forces between the committee of members of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly and the authorized government of Bashkortostan of September 5, 1918; the decision of the regional congress of Bashkiristan about the all-Russian federation.Telegrams from the fronts of the Civil War on the activities of the Latvian and Bashkir military units
Council of People's Commissars RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).Telegrams from the fronts of the civil war on the activities of the Latvian and Bashkir military units.Reports on the political status of the surveyed reserve battalions, the situation in Baku, the Caucasus and the Southern Front, a memorandum, protocols, resolutions and other materials on the state of the Bashkir army and its transfer to the side of the R
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Reports on the political condition of the surveyed reserve battalions, the situation in Baku, the Caucasus and the Southern Front, a memorandum, protocols, resolutions and other materials on the state of the Bashkir army and its transfer to the side of the Red Army.Telegrams about the general, political and financial position of Bashkiria
Council of People's Commissars RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).Telegrams about the general, political and financial position of Bashkiria.Telegrams from Uvarovich - Uchulyov about the situation in Bashkiria, in connection with the arrival of Artem, the supply of food, cushion of railway tracks and on other issues
Council of People's Commissars RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).Telegrams from Uvarovich - Uchulyova about the situation in Bashkiria, in connection with the arrival of Artem, the supply of food, clearing railway tracks and on other issues. - The 1936 Constitution of the USSR. Discussion
Information reports, bulletins, suggestions, comments and additions on the course of discussion of the draft Constitution of the USSR in the Bashkir ASSR
Central Executive Committee of the USSR (CEC CEC).Information reports, bulletins, suggestions, comments and additions on the course of discussion of the draft Constitution of the USSR in the Bashkir ASSR.