Memorandum from Soviet People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs M. Litvinov to J. Stalin regarding a meeting of the Bureau of the G...

Title Memorandum from Soviet People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs M. Litvinov to J. Stalin regarding a meeting of the Bureau of the Geneva Conference on Disarmament, with attached draft headnotes of the declaration of the Soviet delegate about the need for complete, general and immediate disarmament and the identification of aggressors (approved by the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee on 4 April 1934) Original. Signature and mark in red ink – autograph of M. Litvinov, resolution in blue pencil – autograph of J. Stalin, corrections and resolution in plain pencil – autograph of member of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee V. Molotov.
Dates 3 April 1934
Notes Original. Signature and litter in red ink - autograph of M. M. Litvinov, resolution in blue pencil - autograph of I. V. Stalin, revision and resolution in simple pencil - autograph of member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) V.M. Molotov April 4, 1934
Text language Russian
Call number РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 166. Д. 524. Л. 37-38, 35-36
Original location Russian State Archives of Social and Political History
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